Just the Two of Us - #6808
I noticed my wife's beauty and wisdom the most when there was no one else around. Well, it's the same in a relationship with the Lord Jesus. When it's just the two of you, maybe like it is right now, you can see Him as you've never seen Him before.


Royal Babies - #6807
We never really understand our worth until we have a personal relationship with the One who gave us our worth in the first place. Jesus came and died because that relationship was broken by our sin; by our self-willed running of our own life; our way instead of God's way.


Charlie Brown Valentines
In those moments when I wondered if the love of my life would be here tomorrow, I had an anchor. From someone who has promised me, "I will never leave you or forsake you." Someone who has never broken a promise. Someone who backed up His promise with His life.


Two Words That Lighten the Load - #6806
Rejoicing is really the habit of looking for God at work and acknowledging it when you see it. Thanking God is sort of like putting sweetener in a bitter drink. Negative thoughts are just going to make the drink that much more bitter. A thankful heart, a joyful heart, a heart that believes that God has said, "I know the plans I have for you. They are for good and not for evil; to give you a future and a hope."


Addicts Need a Meeting - #6804
Now, our support group is a support person. We cannot stay away from sin unless we have our meeting - yeah, our meeting with God - regularly. The day you skip your meeting is the day you start to slip. We're not talking about some legalistic ritual where you have check the box Christianity: Read my Bible and prayed. No, not doing your duty. It's a love thing.


Heroes On the Beach - #6803
Maybe all your friends are Christian friends. Maybe all your free time is spent in Christian places, and yet you are surrounded by people whose lives are breaking apart like those ships long ago, who will die without Christ; who will spend eternity without Christ unless there is a Rescuer. And they won't come to the Life-Saving Station. You have to go where they are and bring them back like Jesus did.


When You're Stuck Where You Don't Want to Be - #6802
If you're stuck where you don't want to be? Well, God's approach is to act as if you'll be there for a long time. Quit wishing you were somewhere else or someone else. Make something of the place where you are. There are people there who need Christ. Don't look past them because you don't like where you are.


New Year...New Management - #6800
The realization that I was never meant to drive my life; that's the first step to beginning a love relationship with God; the very relationship you were made for. And when you admit that and you realize that the mess of our life, the guilt of our life, the shame of our life, the hurt that we've inflicted is because we've taken our life and done it our way instead of His way. You are ready at that point to say, "I need a Savior. I need a Rescuer from this sin."


Never in the Oven Too Long - #6799
Right now, maybe all you know is it's really hot. Well, you have a guarantee from the Master Potter, "not beyond what you can bear." Oh, He might take you to the edge, but He'll never allow you to go over. God will let the heat make you stronger, but He'll never leave His masterpiece in the oven too long.


Your Share of the Load - #6798
God has a part of His load for you to carry. No child of God is exempt. "To whom much is given, much is required." So begin on your knees, "Lord, break my heart for something that breaks Yours." Take some ownership for one of those needs. And what will God do with your willing heart? I don't know, but He'll make your life bigger as you get beyond caring about what just concerns you.
