Greg Gordon : Should Not, Could Not, Would Not
God is speaking, we are not hearing. God is pleading we are not believing. This generation is without excuse, never has the word of God gone out in such measure yet so little response has occurred from its proclamation. We are ever hearing and never believing. God has given warnings, pleadings...

Greg Gordon : Revival Experiences: Slain In The Spirit
Times of revival bring forth many exuberant and prevailing experiences on the soul and body of men. During these times the phenomena that are involved can be easily seen as something that is extreme and not proper. By looking at the history of revivals we see clearly that phenomena...

Greg Gordon : Revival Experiences: Crying Out
”Isn’t it criminal the way we live in the sight of the cross” said the famous preacher Alan Redpath. It is criminal, it is a scandal, is it wrong! We need today a strong impression of the deep sinful practices we find ourselves in and the extreme magnitude that God went to die for these...

Greg Gordon : Revival At Any Cost!
John Wesley said: “What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.” Sadly we have tolerated a hell-less, eternity-less, sin-less gospel and this next generation is aimed at accepting this as the genuine apostolic original. The true Christian witness seems to be almost...

Greg Gordon : Preaching A Superficial Gospel
Is it possible that modern popular Christianity is preaching a spurious, superficial, shallow Gospel in the 21st Century? If you look carefully at the history of the people of Israel many times the “popular” majority of priests and prophets turned from preaching the truth before the people...

Greg Gordon : Prayer That Moves God
Oh brethren the highest form of worship and speech is prayer. We need to see praying that is bold, that is strong. Praying that moves God is prayer that moves us. If we are not moved by our prayers how do we expect them to move God. Our Master here on earth had “strong crying and tears” should...

Greg Gordon : No Shame At All
Jeremiah has a very strong word for this generation of God’s people hear the cry of this weeping prophet: “thou hadst a whore’s forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed.” and in another place, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not al all ashamed...

Greg Gordon : Holiness Is Our Great Need Today
I wonder why so many oppose holiness, for they are opposing all things holy. The God we serve is holy, we read His holy Scriptures, we have His holy Spirit, we worship His Holy Son, yet we deny our living holy? Oh what blindness and opposition to the work of grace in our souls. We must...

Greg Gordon : Hell-Fire Preachers Needed
Either people have Holy Ghost fire or hell-fire. There are no other options in the economy of God. The way is narrow that leads to life but the way broad that leads to destruction. Never before in the history of the Church has their seemed to be “so few” on this narrow way....

Greg Gordon : Evangelism Is Sorely Needed
Evangelism in Webster dictionary is generically defined as: “zealous advocacy of a cause.” Oh that the “cause” of Christ be proclaimed from the roof-tops of the world. James A. Stewart said: “Evangelism is still the life of the Church. Evangelism if the Spirit of Christ...