What is Pornography Addiction and Sex Addiction?
Pornography is both very alluring and very addictive. This brief article defines pornography and sex addiction, and offers a simple criterion to judge whether you are addicted.


Pastors and Ministry Leaders' Steps for Counseling Pornography or Media Addicts
7-step guide for pastors and ministry leaders to help them get pornography addicts on the path to recovery. Includes links to resources on accountability groups, support groups, media sobriety and online safety, and professional counseling.


Internet Filtering Software Guide - Reviews of Parental Control Software
Reviews and compares major options for Web filtering and parental control software. Describes both commercial and free software products, as well as hardware-based solutions. Also includes link to download We-Blocker, SafeFamilies' free Internet filtering program.


Family Online Safety: Parental Control Software, Free Web Filtering, Internet Guidelines
Provides free Internet filtering and parental control software for families, training for parents on online safety and protecting children from pornography, and steps for safe computer use in the home.


Online Safety Training for Computer Centers and other Non-profits, Web Filtering Software
Provides free Internet filtering software for computer centers and other nonprofits, training for youth on online safety, sample computer use policies for youth and staff, and presentation for parents and nonprofits on protecting youth from Internet dangers.


Pornography Addiction Resources for Pastors to Help Christians, Churches and Addicts
Provides training for pastors to counsel pornography addicts and how they and their churches can promote recovery. Links to statistics on porn use, test for sexual addiction, and questions to use in counseling.


Free Internet Filtering Parental Control Software : Safe Families' We-Blocker
Provides link to download We-Blocker, a free Internet filtering and parental control software program useful for adults, families, churches, schools, after-school programs, and offices, and which integrates webcast training on online safety. Software is not compatible with Vista.


A Sample Fundraising Letter You Can Copy | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermons, MP3s
Sample fundraising letter template which was used to raise money for church technology upgrade from foundations, trusts, and grant making bodies.


Computer Curriculum Downloads | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermons, MP3s
Contains all technology curricula developed by TechMission, covering computer terminology, typing, Microsoft Office programs, entrepreneurship, Photoshop, web design, databases, programming, and job training.


Today's Blogs - Social Justice and Community Development | UrbanMinistry.org
Christian blog portal for social justice and community development world. Shows recent writing by Jim Wallis & Brian McLaren at Sojourners, Rudy Carrasco, Jeremy Del Rio, Neil Cox, UYWI, and UrbanMinistry.org users.
