Common Objections to Insider Movements
This is a short list of some of the common objections to an Insider Approach to ministry to Muslims

The Biblical Basis for the Insider Movement
Bible verses and quotations from commentaries that support the idea of an "insider" approach when ministering in the Muslim world.

Articles on the Insider Movement
Some classic articles related to the Insider Movement.

C1-C6 spectrum by John Travis
A basic summary of the C1-C6 spectrum.

David L. Dawson - Perfeccionando a Los Santos
The entire course of Perfeccionando a Los Santos is now available for free download!

What does the term "evangelical" mean in Christendom today?
A brief description of what the word "evangelical" means in our modern times.

Can Christians use the word "Allah"?
Is it correct for a Christian to use the word Allah to refer to God in Arabic?

The People of the Book - recommended videos
Included on this page are a series of debates covering some key issues in Islam and Christianity. There are also videos about Islam in Europe, and about different groups within the Islamic community.

Basic Introduction to Islam for non-Muslims
A series of short videos that will help you to understand the basics about Islam.

el evangelio
A video that presents a summary of the Gospel message in Spanish.

What is this page?
The People Of The Book, Inc. is a member of, a community of ministries dedicated to spreading the Gospel. Learn more