the history of Perfeccionando a Los Santos
This website is a part of The People of the Book. Most of our materials are in Spanish (located at and were written primarily by people related to The Navigators.

the objectives of Perfeccionando a Los Santos
Evangelize the lost, establish new believers, equip disciples, develop leadership, and multiply laborers in the Spanish speaking world.

about Perfeccionando a Los Santos
We exist to help strengthen local churches, missionary organizations, and institutions of higher learning (universities, seminaries and Bible institutes) so that they can better fulfill the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.

Perfeccionando a Los Santos de América Latina
Through evangelism efforts, leadership training, and dynamic discipleship materials, PLS is empowering the Spanish-speaking church to more effectively fulfill the Great Commision. This is a short English summary introducing

The Day of the Dead
Pictures and customs of this strange tradition in Mexico.

Christmas in Mexico
Mexican customs concerning Christmas have undergone significant transformations over the last 30 years.

recursos catolicos gratuitos
Free evangelistic materials in Spanish to use in the Catholic church.

the use of the word "Allah" - Joshua Massey
Should Christians use the word "Allah"?

contact information for The People of the Book
We would love to hear from you!

Royal Chapel of Cholula
The Royal Chapel of Cholula in the Franciscan church of San Gabriel, not far from Puebla, Mexico, is an authentic copy of the great mosque of Cordorba, Spain.

What is this page?
The People Of The Book, Inc. is a member of, a community of ministries dedicated to spreading the Gospel. Learn more