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Missing the Votes that Really Count - #6011
If you want to see what a person is really like, see what their family thinks of them. They know you without the image, without the mask, without the nice speeches. There is no greater honor than to have your family consider you a hero.


A Child In Your Inbox - #6003
It might be a good day to check your inbox. There might be a boy in your inbox or a girl in your inbox, desperately needing your priority attention. And you know, no matter what else you have to do, you just don't have anything more important to do than give them the attention that they need.


A Man's Lasting Legacy - #5861
Tragically, too many of us men have fallen for lies about what will give our lives significance. We go after comparatively trivial pursuits: a promotion at work, the next rung on the ladder, an award, a higher income, the acclaim of our organization, our church, or some important person, or just that bigger title. But there is no bigger title than husband or dad.


A Donkey With a Cross - #5700
Your mission is to take as many people as you can by the hand and lead them up Skull Hill to the foot of Jesus' cross where you show them how much Jesus loves them. Anyone who knows you for very long should be guided by you to the cross. I just pray that you won't be ashamed of the cross of Jesus. Aren't you thankful He wasn't ashamed of you when He died for you on the cross?


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Your Trash Transformed - #9193 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It’s the nicest garbage truck I’ve ever seen…it’s bright and clean and new—it’s in a recent TV commercial for a waste management company. As the truck makes its way through the gleaming streets of a big city, people watch it go by appreciatively, admiringly. It’s very realistic, of course. I love their motto though: “The waste we collect helps power over a million homes.” Now, that’s cool! Garbage recycled into power that helps a lot of lives.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Highest Wall in the World - #5685
God is the relationship we've been missing and looking for our whole lives. We're lonely because we don't have His love. We're empty because only He can fill the hole in our heart. We're wondering what the meaning of our life is, but we can't get to the only One who knows, because He put us here. The wall is there. If we die with that wall still there between us and God, it will be there forever. The Bible has a word for that - hell. Even the heaven we want to go to is on the other side of that wall.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Brotherness - #5659
Now that is the heart of real manhood: protecting a woman from being hurt, from being used, from being exploited, from being devalued - especially by you. There is a critical shortage of that kind of manhood. The man who steps up to this kind of brotherness is a rare treasure, and like anything rare, he is very valuable.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fool's Gold - #5642
It's so easy to buy the values of a world that measures worth by success, by how much of the glittery stuff you have - to spend major life-energy going after more house, more car, more wardrobe, more position, more prestige. It's gold - but it's fool's gold. Notice the words God uses to describe the pursuit of more: a trap, foolish desires, harmful desires, ruin and destruction, wandering from the faith, grief.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Only One Hand to Grab - #5640
We are in a spiritual life-or-death situation from which we cannot extricate ourselves. But God, who loves us too much to lose us, sent His one and only Son "down the shaft" to be our Rescuer.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Always Beyond Your Reach - #4462
Celebrate everything you do have. Focus on all the good things your Father has done for you, and let Him turn praise for Him into blessed contentment for you. Because this stubborn push to always get what we don't have - well, it's for babies.


“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” -Matthew 22:37-39 Listen to chapter

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