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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How Your Life Can Really Deliver - #4939
If you've got Jesus, then you've got His love in you to deliver to people around you. You've got His joy, you've got His encouragement, His comfort, His eternal life and the way to have that eternal life. He's given you His uniform. He's put in your hands much-needed gifts for the people in your personal world.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Princess Unaware - #4971
Now God is "the Lord Almighty," the king of all kings. That's what the Bible says. And God says that if you're a woman in His family, you're His daughter. And what do they call the daughter of a king? Princess!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Turn Hearts
We should present Jesus in such a way that it makes a person feel loved, not condemned; bigger, not smaller. That's how Jesus treated people. And it's Jesus you represent. If it's important to do those things when votes are at stake, how much more important is it do it when lives are at stake?


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Light for Life's Darkest Valley - #4990
Because of that unshakeable security, because of that unloseable love, our friend Jeanne - like so many I have known - was confident, radiant, and spreading hope until the day she died. In fact, some of her family saw more of that in her than they had even seen before when she was facing death. It's like walking on the threshold of eternity brought out a beauty that blessed every life she touched. Jeanne was the first to tell you that it wasn't about her at all. What we were seeing was her Jesus reflected in her.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Jesus Where You Live - #5004
People you see each day often need something from Jesus, whether they realize it or not. They may need to feel His love, so Jesus prompts you to show them His love in some act of kindness, or caring, or rescue. He sends His encouragement through you to discouraged people, His financial provision through what He's given you to give, some gift that will show how much He cares. Every day, He wants you to leave with your "needometer" on and finely tuned - going through your day, not just to survive or to get your "to do" list done, but to look for needs and to deliver gifts from Him.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Drinking Dirt - #5008
Guard your heart as the spiritual reservoir from which you drink all day long. If it's a "bad one," you've got to turn it off if you're serious about really being His man or woman. If you don't want to let dirt into the Holy Spirit's house, filter what you let come in. You wouldn't knowingly let your mouth drink dirt. Well, then, don't let your soul do it!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Most Dangerous Role of All - #5015
It takes honesty to admit that you don't really have Jesus, but the cost of continuing to just play the role is way too high to pay; too awful to pay.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Miracles With Damaged Goods - #5020
Jesus was broken so you could be fixed. He paid for your sin on the cross so you wouldn't have to. That's what was happening on that horrific cross when He died. And in dying for your sin and then coming out of His grave, He broke the power of the thing that ultimately causes all the scars, all the regrets, all the hurts - that spiritual cancer called sin. And with hands that bear nail prints from His sacrifice for you, He reaches out to you and says, "I will make all things new."


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What You Can't See Really Can Hurt You - #5039
Satan blinds us with religion, so we think that a religion about Jesus will get us to heaven. It won't, it can't. Sometimes the devil blinds us with other Christians who have represented Jesus poorly. But Jesus is the issue, not Christians.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Goodbye, Sick Stuff - #5093
You were making progress, but it's reappearing again. Maybe it's that old addiction. Maybe it's what you were looking at; what you were watching, and you were starting to get some victory over that. It's coming back again. All of us have these empty, corrupt ways of living. And Christ comes and says, "Let him go!" "Let her go!" "Take off the grave clothes." We could be free of it forever because of Jesus.
