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Running Out of Ammo - #6079
For those of us fighting on the front lines, it's our responsibility to make every bullet count, to stay on mission, to always take the high road, and put our faith in Jehovah Jireh, not in contributors. And for every one of us, we need to hear the cries from the front lines, "We're winning, but we're running out of ammunition!" Let's throw everything we can into this battle for which Jesus gave everything He had!


The Amazing Reason Why You Are Where You Are - #6036
There's an eternal reason why you are where you are occupationally, geographically, situationally, parentally, physically, emotionally, maybe even medically. You've been given a stretch of spiritual beach where Jesus has assigned you as the lifeguard, and you can be sure there are spiritually drowning people there within your reach.


The Only Impression That Matters - #5982
There's something very wrong if you're using Jesus to make a name for yourself or to impress other people with you. You are actually hijacking His glory. And there's something wrong if you're not telling people about Jesus because of something about you. It's not who's doing the telling that's the issue; it's who you're telling about - the One who offers the greatest love in the world.


The Can't Chant - #5974
As you're facing something right now that you "can't do," would you say it until you believe it: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." It's not about what you can do. It's about what Christ can do!


Why It Doesn't Have To Be the Way It's Always Been - #5967
As surely as physical family resemblances get passed on from one generation to another, so do family flaws, family sins, family baggage. Except for the miracle that makes it possible for one person to say, "It stops here. I'm not going to be another one in that same old line. I'm going to be the first one in a brand new line in our family!"


The Bread for Tomorrow - #5955
Maybe you've been let down by others in the past, and maybe you're often anxious about whether you'll have what you need and you'll have it when you need it. With God as your Heavenly Father, with you as His child purchased with the life of His Son, that's unnecessary worry. And in a sense, it's an insult to the God you belong to. You are living with the greatest security in the world. You are living from hand to mouth. From His hand to your mouth, and what you need for tomorrow is as good as already in your hand.


Waiting for Your Father - #5951
The problem is that God is sinless and holy totally perfect. And you and I, on the other hand, have a lifetime of sinning; of doing it our way instead of God's way. You can't get into His family unless something is done about your sin, and something has been done. In fact, God did it. That's how much He loves you and He does not want to lose you.


A Heart Like His - #5946
The church you're in, the ministry you're in - is it committed to saving lives on the stretch of the beach around you, or just feeding and comforting the life-saving crew? If your ministry, your church, your Bible study isn't about rescuing those who will die otherwise, you may need to do a quick heart exam. Do you have the heart of your Savior who said His reason for coming was to seek and to rescue the lost?


A Cup of Rice - or a Bag of Gold - #5932
When God's Son, the Prince of Heaven, is hanging on that blood-stained cross, He is totally impoverishing Himself so you can have God's love, and God's resources, and God's heaven. It's hard for us to see that we're the beggar, but the Bible says we are spiritually bankrupt because our running of our own life has cut us off from our Creator. Only Jesus can bring us back.


The Power Of Being Broken - #2544
Broken times often precede the greatest times of spiritual empowerment in our lives because there is nothing left of you and now it can all be God. And when that happens you are about to trade in the limited power of the past for horsepower you have never driven with before.
