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Adding to Your Faith (2 Peter 1)
Walk through 2 Peter 1:5-7 to apply and personalize some important qualities in your life.


Revive Our Hearts: Adding to Your Faith
Would you like a fresh start? Nancy encourages us that God does give opportunities to begin again and will help us develop new habits and routines. As she studies 2 Peter 1, she challenges us not to coast spiritually, but to be intentional in adding seven "ingredients" to our faith. There are some amazing promises if we do . . . and problems if we don't.


Adding to Your Faith
Would you like a fresh start? Nancy encourages us that God does give opportunities to begin again and will help us develop new habits and routines. As she studies 2 Peter 1, she challenges us not to coast spiritually, but to be intentional in adding seven "ingredients" to our faith.

http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/series.php?series=159&topic_name=General Christian Li...