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Apostasy in the Bible: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
We should expect that in the last days people will turn to apostasy. We are told that people will perish because they refused the love and truth that would save them.
Hebrews 10:26-39 - Into Thy Word Ministries
The Danger of Apostasy! The author pleads with his people not to waste their faith or throw it away, and he warns them of dire consequences. The benefits we have as Christians are extraordinary...
Hebrews 6:1-12 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Beware of Apostasy! A warning against apostasy, so we take our faith seriously!
Getting Used to the Dark, Vance Havner
This sermon shows how many Christians are getting used to the apostasy and declension in Christianity in our day. Havner calls us afresh to see the situation how God sees it and to act as light's in a perverse and wicke
The Anatomy of Deception by Art Katz
I once had the opportunity, by the Lord’s providence, to be invited to speak at a “Jesus Rally” in Winnipeg, Canada. An earlier experience some years before at the first of the Jesus Rallies was enough for me. I vowed then to never again be a part of the outdoor, carnival-like atmosphere of men and
Worshiping At The Altar Of Success by David Ravenhill
Though you may find it hard to believe, there is an addiction more subtle and more powerful than either drugs or pornography. It’s older than prostitution, more prevalent than alcohol, more addictive than cocaine. audio sermons: Christ and His cross -chad
So much has been lost, I must start with the name itself. ‘Christian’ What does it mean? A Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ who is Christ-like. Even this has been perverted in America.