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What You Can't See Really Can Hurt You - #6135
The devil wants you in hell with him forever. So he's blinded you. He blinds us with pride. We're too proud to admit we need a Savior instead of making it on our own. Satan blinds us with religion, so we think that a religion about Jesus will get us to heaven. It won't - it can't. Sometimes the devil blinds us with other Christians who have represented Jesus poorly. But Jesus is the issue, not Christians.


Blind in the Bible: Mark 10:46-52
One of Jesus' most famous miracles, in which he heals a blind man. Jesus heals the man not with fancy theatrics or rituals, but with a word and through the man's faith in God.


Estonian The Miracles of Jesus
Estonian: Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding, His first miracle. Then He heals Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus heals the lame, blind, crippled and those with leprosy. He forgives sins. He tells the waves to be still and they obey Him. Jesus proves with all the miracles that He is God.


Russian Jesus Heals the Blind
Russian: As Jesus travels on the road a blind man named Bartimaeus calls for help. Others tell him to be quiet but he cries out "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me." Jesus heals him with another miracle and says "Your faith has saved you."


Dutch The Miracles of Jesus
Dutch: Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding, His first miracle. Then He heals Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus heals the lame, blind, crippled and those with leprosy. He forgives sins. He tells the waves to be still and they obey Him. Jesus proves with all the miracles that He is God.


Russian The Miracles of Jesus
Russian: Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding, His first miracle. Then He heals Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus heals the lame, blind, crippled and those with leprosy. He forgives sins. He tells the waves to be still and they obey Him. Jesus proves with all the miracles that He is God.


ChineseT Jesus Heals the Blind
ChineseT: As Jesus travels on the road a blind man named Bartimaeus calls for help. Others tell him to be quiet but he cries out "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me." Jesus heals him with another miracle and says "Your faith has saved you."


Hebrew Jesus Heals the Blind
Hebrew: As Jesus travels on the road a blind man named Bartimaeus calls for help. Others tell him to be quiet but he cries out "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me." Jesus heals him with another miracle and says "Your faith has saved you."


Hebrew The Miracles of Jesus
Hebrew: Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding, His first miracle. Then He heals Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus heals the lame, blind, crippled and those with leprosy. He forgives sins. He tells the waves to be still and they obey Him. Jesus proves with all the miracles that He is God.


Japanese Jesus Heals the Blind
Japanese: As Jesus travels on the road a blind man named Bartimaeus calls for help. Others tell him to be quiet but he cries out "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me." Jesus heals him with another miracle and says "Your faith has saved you."


“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” -Matthew 22:37-39 Listen to chapter

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