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Garbage Picker Vision - #6495
Somewhere near you is an assignment with a name; someone waiting for another person to see the Peter, or the rock, in them. Stop for someone that others might be walking past or even throwing away or trashing. Pick them up and patiently build them into all they were meant to be.


What the Quake Exposes - #6409
Jonah revealed the high price of diverting our trust from the true God to another god. He said, "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs" (Jonah 2:8). If we only knew all we could have from God...but for the idol.


The Unquenchable Thirst for Freedom - #6352
The day I told Jesus, "I'm Yours," that was the day that this sin-slave went free. Because there's no feeling like the day you know you're finally free. For me, for millions, that was the day that we welcomed the Liberator, who paid the price so we would never have to.


The "I Care" Overload - #6349
Do a Nehemiah. Get on your knees and say, "Go ahead, God, break my heart; break my heart for some cause that breaks Yours...maybe a couple of them." Let Him call you to give as He calls others to go. Don't give to personalities, or organizations, or the most desperate appeal. Give to support that for which God has broken your heart. Laser your giving on what He breaks your heart over.


When It's Just Not Working - #6287
That broken relationship, and you know which one it is, is breaking God's heart. Do everything in your power to take down the walls that might be costing you the blessing of almighty God. Keep checking until you understand what is there that's broken that God says needs fixing. Quit tinkering with the problems that really aren't the problem.


Hope From the Rubble - #6239
The Bible tells us that we're without hope because we're "without God" (Ephesians 2:12). And we're without God because we've repeatedly chosen to do things our way instead of God's way - even the most religious of us. Every one and every thing we try in order to fill the hole in our heart ultimately becomes just another god that failed us. And then along comes Jesus.


Hurting but Passed By - #6008
Sin is very serious business. It walls us off from God, from His love, and it brings us under the eternal judgment of the God we were made to live for. But God really loves you - enough to sacrifice the most precious thing He had to heal your broken relationship with Him. He allowed the body of His only Son to be broken on the cross for you as He died your death penalty for your sin.


Brokenness - a Christian perspective
Life without God is described as a state of spiritual brokenness. Without God, we are incomplete and unable to find true spiritual fulfillment. When we accept Christ, he restores our spirits.


Contrite - a Christian perspective
God doesn't want flashy sacrifices or fancy public acts of piety. What he truly values is a contrite, repentant heart that earnestly seeks to serve Him.


Superman is Breakable! - #2402
You've got a terminal spiritual cancer, called sin! No matter how religious, no matter how respected you may be, you've broken God's laws and you've run the life that your Creator was suppose to run and "my way" of living has left you fatally separated from God. The cure requires humility - the admission that you cannot save yourself - and then a trip, not to a dirty river, but to a dying Savior's cross.
