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Narramore Christian Foundation

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Turning Over Your Treasure - #6315
If you're a parent, could I encourage you to take a Hannah inventory today? Are you releasing your son or daughter for whatever? Whatever assignment your Lord has for him or her? Or do you have a plan for your child that you're trying to get God to sign off on. Don't stand in the way of God's best for that child of yours, and don't be seduced by the lies our world tells us about what's best for them.

The Reason For the Wait - #6236
You've been waiting for God to come through. You want to be married. You're waiting for Him to answer your prayer about having a child, raising a child. You're waiting for that job, that heart change, that breakthrough, that answer, and it hasn't come yet. Don't panic. Don't let impatience cost you the perfect will of God. Premature babies aren't as healthy as ones that are full-term. Premature solutions aren't healthy either.

Why Your Nest Doesn't Feel Right - #6219
God has much more of Him that He wants you to experience, but it will only happen as you move beyond all your usual security blankets and abandon yourself to total trust in Him. He has so much more He wants to do with your life, but it is beyond your comfort zone.

The Pebbles In Your Shoes - #6227
I am so glad that Jesus is a sparrow-counting, hair-counting, daily bread kind of Savior, aren't you? But I need to go to Him with the small frustrations! We could live much more victoriously if we would immediately go to Jesus for the grace He's promised us in the mini-messes - not just the big ones.

How to Raise Kids Who Stay In Bounds - #6211
If you've been lax or inconsistent in helping your children understand the boundaries, penalties, ask them to forgive you. Let them know that, before God, you owe it to them to do a better job "ref-ing" the game of their life. Clarity, consistency, mutual trust and walking your talk: those are building blocks in authority that a child can respect and build a life on.

How to Hold Your Child - #6183
Keep reminding your children of the awesome person God made when He made them. You keep setting reasonable boundaries with reasonable penalties, and you be consistent with them. You keep listening to their heart. And you keep giving them back to God, and stop trying to be "God" in their life. Only He can be that.

Letting Go of Your Little Ones - #6015
A surrendered parent is a parent at peace; a parent who knows that this treasure God has entrusted to them has this day been placed again in God's all-powerful hands. A God who knows the plans He has for that boy, for that girl - plans for good and not for evil, to give them a future and a hope. No matter how big your little ones get, remember Whose they really are.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Ultimate Security - #5690
There are few more comforting and more peace-giving words in the English language than this one - secure.

CQOD—Maurice: children
F. D. Maurice on the perseverance of our status as children of God

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Futile Fugitive - #5365
When you're running from God, you are a destabilizing, destructive force on everything and everyone around you. People you care about are getting hurt by your rebellion. Not to mention how much you're being hurt, or you're going to be hurt.

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” -1 John 4:11-12 Listen to chapter

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