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First, Breathe It Yourself - #6659
The biggest single answer for your child's weakness is to let Christ transform that weakness in you. He has redeeming grace for your son, for your daughter. But first, breathe it yourself.

The Way to Your Father's Heart - #6658
Put your money, your time, mobilize your church to do something about needy people wherever they are, not just long distance loving. I'm talking about getting your hands dirty, personal involvement, family involvement. Teach your kids how to have a heart for the poor. Work first hand with some less fortunate people; help lift their burden. Do the work of God on earth.

Frequent Calls Home - #6641
The greater your responsibilities, the more often you need to check with God even when it seems like you have less time than ever to do it. The daily rush? Well, it can quickly push you right out of the mainstream of the will of God.

The Agenda That Really Matters - #6586
If God has trusted you with a young life - a child - make meaningful time with that child a non-negotiable of your schedule. I mean, even if you have to change jobs, if it takes that to be a father; to be a mother, that's eternity's priority.

The Not So Grim Reapers - #6555
Don't wait a long time for discipline. When a lot of time has passed, the lesson will be forgotten. Explain the discipline; explain why it's wrong. Be consistent, especially in the early stages of trying to establish a boundary in your child's life. Whatever you do, don't fail in this life-giving responsibility. Be sure your children learn from your discipline that whatever a man sows, he will reap.

Steve Jobs and God - #6536
Behind all the fog of all those "sophisticated" spiritualities and the dueling religions of our world stands one real God, one real Savior. He's the God who hung on a cross.

War Horse - a moving Spielberg film with many redemptive themes
Spielberg's latest movie is getting rave reviews. And rightly so. The popular children's book by Michael Morpurgo has been faithfully adapted: read story of the film and its making. And there are many redemptive echoes embedded in it. Here are a few...

Hug Them Tightly, But Hold Them Loosely - #6529
It's so easy to let our children become an extension of our ego, our hopes, our dreams rather than letting them simply be God's servants. Maybe you even have a child God is calling into His service and you're kind of standing in the way. We just dare not forget that our children are God's property trusted to us. We dare not hijack them from His service to be in ours.

Our Own Little Bethlehem - #6505
You know, Christmas really is all about a Baby who came to die so we could live. And I will never stop thanking Him that He saw that lost little family in a second floor apartment on the south side of Chicago and sent a missionary - my brother - who never spoke a word to gave us Jesus.

Paper Trunks and Permanent Wardrobe - #6483
Life is a series of new starts. What happens after the children are gone? Those new starts last from starting kindergarten, to college, to marriage, the empty nest, job changes, retirement. And we wear those identities for a period of time. But if you're ever going to find personal security, you need a transcendent identity—someone you can be forever. And Paul gave it to us, "In Christ."