Today's Devotional: Satisfied in Christ
Satisfaction can be an elusive thing, especially when we try to find it on our own. Buying a new...
Today's devotional: Want to change the world? Live like Christ
God's law, revealed in the Ten Commandments and throughout the Bible, is often caricatured as a...
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True Woman: What Difference Does It Make?
What does all this mean for us? What difference do the Cross and the empty tomb make for those who are facing pain or tears or failure? Here are some of the implications of that momentous weekend for people like you and me.
True Woman: No One Like Jesus!
There truly is no one like Jesus—not even close! But it is one thing to give mental assent to that concept and quite another to make Him the supreme, unique object of our attention and affection.
True Woman: On a Treasure Hunt
"I finally feel like I've come full-circle and have found the treasure that I've been searching for all my life. It's Jesus."
Revive Our Hearts: The Incomparable Christ
During the weeks leading up to Easter, Nancy will be teaching an extended series on the person and work of Christ, based on The Incomparable Christ by J. Oswald Sanders. This is a special opportunity to prepare our hearts to commemorate the passion and resurrection of Christ. May you come to know, love, trust, follow, and reflect Christ in a greater way during this holy season!
True Woman: How would Jesus celebrate Christmas?
Between Santa and jingle bells, Christmas parties, and presents to buy and hope for, I think most of us struggle to keep our attention focused on the baby in the manger. I've worked hard to make this a Christmas where I had time to consider the sacred. That's why I keep wondering how Jesus would celebrate His birth.
True Woman: A Warrior Child
As you focus on the lovely manger scene today and tomorrow, remember that although the setting appears peaceful, this night brings a warrior Child, the One who will conquer death, hell, and the grave.
True Woman: Fresh Awe . . . Our Incomparable Christ!
When was the last time you felt . . . awe? I have to say, it is a feeling I feel entirely too infrequently. Except for lately.
True Woman: He Put Skin On His Love
If you’re not feelin’ it, the answer isn’t to make Him prove His love apart from His sacrifice on the cross, but to pour over those moments when He “put skin” to His love and bled and suffered for you, in your place.
True Woman Blog: Isaiah 53: A Shocking Portrait of Christ
Beware. The portrait of Christ in Isaiah 53 can be surprisingly shocking.
True Woman Blog: Christ—Our Valiant Warrior!
The True Woman Conferences are designed to serve a greater purpose than just a great weekend with friends (which we hope attendees will experience), but its purpose is to inspire, equip, and prepare women to live out God's calling on their lives in the midst of a culture that presents a very unbiblical picture of womanhood.