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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Dangling in the Dark - #8294 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It started out as one of the scarier experiences of my wife’s childhood. Her grandfather had dropped his valuable pen into the well in their yard, and there was only one way it could be retrieved: if someone was lowered down there on a rope…someone small…like a little four-year old girl. Soon my wife found herself with a rope tied securely around her, being lowered into the darkness of that well, sort of dangling in the dark. She got the pen and she shed a lot of the fear as she did it. She told me, “I knew I’d be OK because my father was holding the rope.” If you belong to Jesus Christ, so is yours.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Anchored In Stormy Times - #8293 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I was talking to our amazingly perceptive eight-year-old grandson about his recent bout with a very painful condition. It turned out to be something simple to correct, but it wasn’t fun at the time. His teacher called and told our daughter, “You need to come and pick him up right away. He’s in excruciating pain.” Well, our daughter took him to the doctor, where he had to endure the pain for a little longer while they sat in the waiting room. Here’s how he described his experience to me: “You know, it’s like a boat that’s tied to an anchor. A big storm comes and really blows you around. I felt like my anchor was going to break. But Jesus is my anchor, and that anchor never breaks.” Man, in stormy times like these, isn’t that what we need?
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - How to Go Everywhere with Your Kids - #8292 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Our daughter isn’t afraid to tackle a real parenting challenge, like teaching an eight-year-old boy the value of writing thank you notes for gifts he receives. That’s exactly what she’s been doing with our grandson. And while they were writing those notes, she said, “How are you going to remember to do this when I’m not around?” And he said, “The voice inside me that sounds like you.”
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Most Expensive Mistake - #8291 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
NFL player Marquis Cooper was one of four men who set out for a fishing trip off the Gulf Coast of Florida. When they hit rough seas, their boat capsized, and Cooper and a friend never made it back. Sadly, the Coast Guard never received a distress signal from Cooper’s fishing boat. But here’s the sad footnote to the tragedy. Two days before that fatal trip, a friend had urged Cooper to buy a life-saving device that self-activates radio signals when a boat flips over, but he never got what could have saved his life.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - A 'No Regrets' Life - #8290 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
After many amazing movie successes, director Steven Spielberg decided to use his talents to try and capture an unforgettable story from the horror of the Holocaust; he called it “Schindler’s List.” It’s the story of industrialist Otto Schindler who used his business and his fortune to save the lives of hundreds of Jews who otherwise would have been victims of Hitler’s “final solution.” The movie ends with hundreds of those he saved gathering to thank him. But as they pay tribute to him, he begins a heartbreaking calculation. He looked at his car and said, “Look at this car. I could have sold it–ten more Jews. Look at this jewelry–five more Jews. This pin–one, maybe two more Jews.” He melts into tears, sobbing, “I could have done more. I could have done more.”
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Useful For the Big Jobs - #8289 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
My friend Rick was driving to work one morning, praying that God would show him and his wife how He wanted to use them. He’s in the building trades and God answered his prayer by placing in his mind the image of a crescent wrench. Now, a crescent wrench is designed to be multi-purpose; you can adjust it for the job that needs to be done, and it has tough gripper jaws that dig in. And God was actually telling my friends that He would use them if they were like that wrench–adjustable, adaptable, but digging in wherever He puts them. It might be something in that wrench for you and me.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - What Happened to the Joy - #8288 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I don’t remember a lot of facts they taught me in science class, but I remember the experiments. Like the day our teacher had us illuminate a light bulb the hard way–by feverishly turning this crank to generate some voltage–until finally the bulb just started to flicker to life. I’m thinking, “There’s got to be an easier way.” Yeah, like just plugging it into an outlet! ... I’m Ron Hutchcraft. Now, I’ve tried living for Jesus and serving Jesus both ways, by plugging into the main power source and by cranking it out.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Good Side of Not Having Much - #8287 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Jack had been my best friend in high school, and now he was a very successful airline pilot. And his wife had a great job with the airline, too. Their brand new Cadillac was parked in a security garage under their exclusive apartment in New York City. We had a great evening when they invited us for dinner. So, we invited them to visit us at our totally not-exclusive apartment in a very modest New Jersey suburb. The problem was that about every ten minutes Jack would get up all worried and keep looking out the window. Finally, I figured out what he was doing. He was checking to be sure his new Cadillac–which was parked on the street–was still there. I thought: “I’m not sure if Jack owns his car, or his car owns him.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - What the Hard Times Reveal - #8286 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I was speaking recently for some business leaders in Manhattan–the epicenter of America’s devastating financial quake. One highly successful Christian brother told me the surprising truth that the hard times have revealed. He said, “A few months ago, if you’d asked any of us what we were depending on, we would have said we were totally depending on God. Until we lost a lot of the things we were really depending on.”
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Hannah Montana's Nightmare - #8285 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Life for Miley Cyrus–a.k.a., pop star, Hannah Montana–hasn’t always been as cool as it is today. In her autobiography, she describes her pre-teen years as “friendless, lonely and miserable.” She says she was “scrawny and short” and some girls she describes as “big and tough” terrorized her; locking her in a bathroom, trying to goad her into fighting them, taunting she would never amount to anything. She lived in fear most days at school. She’s a star now, so she’s not treated that way anymore, but she’s been recycling that garbage. She said, “I didn’t dare forget the struggle. There was a reason for it. I brought that girl with me, and she reminds me to be compassionate, to not hold grudges, to be supportive, to be there for others when I know I’m needed.”