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You Are Not Forgotten - #6266
You know, God's been following your life through every twist, every turn, every detour. And today He's brought us together to raise a banner that says, "You are not forgotten." He loves you. He knows you. He wants you back.

The Royal Switch - #6265
You have to put the Bible where the dirt has been. You take a Bible bath daily. You dwell on what you read. You write it down in a journal so you remember it. You use it that day so it becomes part of your personality. There's no substitute for memorizing the Word of God.

BBC Nativity serial: review and other Christmas thoughts
The BBC 4-part serial Nativity aired in the week before Christmas to wide acclaim. If it was not screened in your country, doubtless it will available on DVD before long. I am among those who often find screen retellings of Bible stories tedious: identikit long robes from some 1950s costume department, wooden acting that tries to achieve imagined other-worldly religious ambience, all mixed with an overdose of syrup and generalized schmaltz.

Entertainitis - #6258
We need to commit ourselves to the spiritual discipline of a personal Bible study - time with Jesus that starts every day. That's the anchor of an authentic Christian life. Maybe it's time we say, "Lord, I'm tired of being so deep into my shallow, entertaining faith. I want to get rid of this disease of entertainitis."

Missing at Christmas
That's the question God is asking some of us as He looks at our lives - "Where's Jesus?" It's possible that, like our grandson that day, you have everything except Jesus.

Operation World: new edition of book published in 2010
The new edition of Operation World launched in November to wide acclaim. As a world mission and prayer challenge publication, it is unique and strategic.

So Rich, So Needy - #6201
God has always judged the true righteousness of His people by their love and commitment to three groups of people: the poor, the victims, and the lost. Is that what we're about? Is that what you're about?

Why Our Enemy Wins - #6188
God is calling us to wake up to our common enemy and to do whatever we have to do to remove the walls and fight together. To do as it says in Philippians 1 , "to stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the Gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed." We've battled the enemy separately long enough. It's time we come together to win what we could never win alone.

Keywords for best Christian communication: VISUAL and STORY
There are two communication truths which trump everything else: 'story' and 'visual'. We learn and remember far more, when it is presented visually and includes elements of narrative story. Watch two video clips...

The Only Way to Get Where You Want to Go - #6165
You can't get in to heaven with the sin of your life still in God's book, and there's only one way for your sin to be erased. The eternal death penalty for your sins has to be paid. On that awful cross, God's Son was actually absorbing that penalty so you would never have to pay it. He did your hell so you could have heaven because He loves you beyond words.