A Biblical Introduction to Singleness
So what exactly does the bible say about singleness? Should everybody yearn to be married? At...
Sensitivity to Singleness in the Church
Has your church ever asked the question, "Are we being sensitive to the single people in our...
Taxes, Safety, Law and the Church
While you may not find it interesting, one of the realities of doing church in the United...
How youth-friendly is your church?
Is your church youth-friendly?
Most church members would probably answer "yes"—a typical...
What makes a healthy church?
This week at Gospel.com, we're asking an important question: what does it mean to be part of the...
The ministries in the Gospel.com Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Vineyard church website design
How to create church sites that can reach out effectively into the community.
Church website design for Anglican Church of England and Episcopalian webmasters
This guide explains how to create church websites that are outsider friendly and reach into the parish.
Assemblies of God church website design for AG / AoG Pentecostal Church webmasters
This guide explains how to create church websites that are outsider friendly and can reach into the community.
Baptist church website design: building sites that reach outsiders
A guide to creating Baptist church websites that can reach outsiders in the community.
Media contacts for interview and press releases with news of Internet Evangelism Day
We offer below a range of news items and short articles which can be adapted and edited for any Christian magazine, church bulletin, email newsletter or the religion section of a secular newspaper.
The potential for Christian contact cards, and how to design and use them
Contact cards are a great way to communicate with someone one-to-one, leaving them with a way to contact you, visit your church website, or learn more from an outreach site.
It is possible print your own onto cardstock, if you have a good option for accurate cutting. However there are many online companies that enable you to choose ready-made backgrounds, and edit the text (even add your own graphics) online, using draggable resizable text-boxes that you may be familiar with from desktop publishing programs such as Publisher or Serif. They can be very cheap – even under 10 dollars/euros/pounds for 250.
Resources to help Christians understand how to relate to and use culture
It is vital that we learn to understand and relate to modern culture. Here are some helpful resources:
Engaging in the cultural landscape – Ministry Toolbox article by Kevin G. Harney, adapted from his new book Organic Outreach for Ordinary People, Zondervan.
19-minute Q Talks conference session with Josh Jackson.
17-minute Q Talks conference session with Andy Crouch, author of Culture Making.
Research study on making church websites outsider friendly and evangelistic
Ceri Longville, a student at Redcliffe Bible College in Gloucester UK, has just published her college dissertation on church websites.
The Internet is changing the context of ministry for churches
Before the Internet and YouTube, this was impossible – that a small-church wedding video could go viral, and then become the storyline for a major TV series: see The Office, the Wedding and the Power of the Internet – a blog posting from Mark Roberts.
Look too at how the world of advertising has changed in 20 years. A comparison chart was featured at Barcelona’s Chiringuito and was picked up by Ministry Marketing Coach, where Kerry Bural comments, “Each of these mediums and technologies (plus many more) represent potential connection points that could and should be leveraged for reaching people. Do churches and ministries have a baseline understanding of these and other mediums? Is the complex nature of communication on your radar?”
Projecting videos in a church service - give viewers a time frame
Stewart Redwine writes in Christian Video Magazine about an issue with short films being projected in a church meeting. “The problem with short films shown in a Church service is simply this; no one knows when the video will end.” They know that TV ads last 30 seconds, music videos 3-6 minutes, and TV programs 30 minutes. They have no frame of reference for engaging with a video short, unless we give them help.