A Biblical Introduction to Singleness
So what exactly does the bible say about singleness? Should everybody yearn to be married? At...
Sensitivity to Singleness in the Church
Has your church ever asked the question, "Are we being sensitive to the single people in our...
Taxes, Safety, Law and the Church
While you may not find it interesting, one of the realities of doing church in the United...
How youth-friendly is your church?
Is your church youth-friendly?
Most church members would probably answer "yes"—a typical...
What makes a healthy church?
This week at Gospel.com, we're asking an important question: what does it mean to be part of the...
The ministries in the Gospel.com Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Church signboards for the street - ideas for noticeboards and signage publicity
Communicate Jesus blog shares this very easy idea – an A-frame sign outside the church building. Sounds very effective.
For the more conventional fixed church signage, there’s a book that may help:
701 Sentence Sermons
L James Harvey
Kregel Publications
ISBN 0-8254-2887-4
Here’s a new book of ’single sentence sermons’ – quotations and aphorisms – which have been collected together by Harvey to “use on church signs, bulletins, newsletters and sermons”. In fact, many would be useful on church websites too, perhaps on a rotating basis. Many are specifically evangelistic, others are motivational for Christians.
Welcome and assimilate church visitors - avoid de-evangelizing trap
Matt Neace writes, “I was at a conference a few years ago where they told the story of a church that looked as though they were really thriving: they had about 500 people attending, and had many outreach ministries reaching their community, and many people were coming to Christ and to church through their ministry. The problem was that the church was not growing in numbers – people were leaving as quickly as they were coming in.”
Not brochureware any more
Each time a new medium arrives, Christians may well adopt it reasonably quickly, but tend to perceive and use it in the way they used a previous medium. One example is Christian radio. For many years (and this approach is not extinct even today), the tendency was to transfer the medium of communal church worship directly to radio: hymns, prayers and sermons.
Making Facebook fan pages for churches and Christian ministries part 2
Part 2 of the series of the excellent tutorials from Church 2.0 is now online. You can view Part 1.
See also Equipping for Eministry blog post – Part 1 of Are You Using Facebook Effectively?
And August is OurChurch.com’s Social Media Month with coverage of many aspects. Latest posting is 5 Myths Believed by Those on the Social Media Sidelines.
Love or lust - video clip comparison for sex versus love
Grainger Community Church have produced this effective video clip.
Problems and opportunities in church ministry, online and offline
# Steve Kryger at Communicate Jesus blog, recently needed to phone a number of churches in his country. What a nightmare! Those who have attempted to email churches via their websites have found a similar picture.
# Changes to Facebook make it easier for churches or groups (rather than individuals) to have a Facebook presence. OurChurch has blogged about these developments.
# Craig von Buseck interviews Sterling Huston about digital evangelism here – one question discussed is that of having a web evangelism team within a church. Do you know of churches who already have such teams? Please share how these work, using the ‘comment’ link below.
# We now have a 2-page handout about digital evangelism, which can be used to print and distribute in a church, or can be republished (in whole or in part) in newsletters, blogs, magazines:
Putting an introductory video on your church website
A short introductory video on your church site is a great way to introduce outsiders to your fellowship. Coton Green Church in Tamworth UK has produced, in-house, an excellent video providing a gentle low-key introduction to the fellowship.
Free church website tips: build an effective evangelistic church site to reach your community
Design and build a website to reach the community
“A church is the only organization that exists primarily for the benefit of non-members”
– William Temple
“Week in, week out, more visitors turn up at our church on a Sunday because of the website, than anything else”
– King’s Church, Kingston UK: a church site design using these principles
Church website design help: tool to evaluate or improve church website design to reach outsiders
Your church website has enormous potential as part of your outreach strategy to reach into your community. It can be like an enticing ‘shop window’ and virtual doorway to draw people into faith and fellowship. However, many churches do not understand how to design a website that will do this effectively. This self-assessment questionnaire helps you evaluate your site, and creates a detailed free evaluation report with advice to help you consider new ideas or aspects of the site that could perhaps be modified. It will also help you in planning a new website.
Church webmaster page: design, plan, build or upgrade good church websites to best reach your community
Church websites are an essential part of local churches’ public profiles to their communities. Indeed, in some parts of the world, church websites draw more people into face-to-face church activities than any other method. Church sites outnumber all other types of Christian sites by a ratio of 5 to 1. Church sites could therefore be powerful outreach tools. However, research reveals a discouraging picture.