A Biblical Introduction to Singleness
So what exactly does the bible say about singleness? Should everybody yearn to be married? At...
Sensitivity to Singleness in the Church
Has your church ever asked the question, "Are we being sensitive to the single people in our...
Taxes, Safety, Law and the Church
While you may not find it interesting, one of the realities of doing church in the United...
How youth-friendly is your church?
Is your church youth-friendly?
Most church members would probably answer "yes"—a typical...
What makes a healthy church?
This week at Gospel.com, we're asking an important question: what does it mean to be part of the...
The ministries in the Gospel.com Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Church evangelism: short story about using your church website for evangelism
“We need more lodgers,” said Maria Silversmith to her husband Milo one evening. Ten years back, they had bought their large rambling house to accommodate six children as well as two elderly relatives. With only the two younger children now left at home, the house seemed achingly empty, even with the presence of Tim their lodger, who had become like one of the family. “Let’s make a webpage, then people looking for lodgings can easily find us,” suggested Milo.
Golf parable: best practice or wrong way for church websites to reach the community with appropriate evangelism
You can’t miss Stonylands Town Golf Club if you take the winding back road out of town. But if you are in any doubt, the signboard says it all: “Stonylands Golf Club. Member of the Federation of National Golf Clubs. Est. 1924. Secretary: J S Peasworthy, BSc.” There follows in smaller letters, “Private Property” and without apparent irony, “No ball games”. The style of the sign is almost identical to the original 1924 version, as you can readily see in the photographs of The Opening displayed in the clubhouse foyer.
urpose of the annual worldwide Internet Evangelism Daya focus for churches
In New Testament times, the Roman Road system was strategic in God’s plan. It enabled the spread of the Gospel throughout the then-known world. In the same way, the Internet today is a worldwide network which can facilitate effective Gospel communication. We wish to communicate the outreach potential of the Web to the worldwide church. The site has a twin-track purpose:
* to explain the strategies needed to use the web for evangelism, along with showcase examples, and demonstrate the many ways you could be involved. One surprising fact: you do not need to be technically gifted to do web evangelism!
* to enable you to communicate these truths to others, by providing free downloads: PowerPoint, video clips, drama scripts, handouts, etc. These enable churches and other groups to build a web evangelism focus program into a service or other activities.
Write a church press release - get free publicity for church news or Christian groups
Wouldn’t you love to have free advertising for your next event that doesn’t look like advertising? Well, that’s what a well-written press release can provide. Of course, the key here is “well-written”. Many people send out press releases only to have them discarded by the local media. This isn’t because the editor didn’t like the organization or didn’t want to print the release. Rather it was because in order to fix the release enough for publication would just take too much time.
Jargon - how insider jargon Christianese words spoil Christian communication and evangelism
In most sermons for Christians, or any Christian magazine, there are usually very many jargon words and phrases. We feel comfortable with them! Using them makes us feel that we belong! In prayer too, we love to use these ‘Christianese’ words, as humorist Jim Watkins demonstrates.
Lack of emphasis on evangelism outreach in the church: the 99 Percent Problem
It’s almost like there's a rule: 99% to us, 1% for them. We can see it reflected in Christian bookshops, where a search of the book titles and videos will reveal that the vast majority of material is produced entirely for Christians, in terms of language, content and underlying assumptions. Just how many books and videos are truly evangelistic and accessible to unchurched people who do not know the language and the concepts?
Online community: building a sense of community and relationship into websites
A community is a group of like-minded people. You are probably part of several different communities – the town/village where you live, the place where you work or study, a group of friends with whom you play sport or other hobby activity, and your church fellowship. An understanding of community is essential for digital ministry.
Best Christian web evangelism, outreach strategy and church ministry blogs and newsletters
Here are some of the very best third-party blogs and newsletters available on these subjects. We have grouped them by their particular focus, though there is considerable overlap in subjects covered.
Christian research studies and dissertations on Internet, church and evangelism
Wise insightful research is a pre-requisite to action: Nehemiah 2:11-18. Without concrete information, we are often just guessing and ‘flying without radar’. A growing number of people have done research into the relationship between the Internet, the church, and evangelism-related subjects. Not all of us are called to either write, or read, such in-depth material. Yet the concept of research in the Christian world is very important. Without facts and figures, or understanding of trends, we cannot plan strategy or anything else.
Top books for church leaders, christian ministers and pastors including free e-books
The books in this section cover different aspects of church ministry, and are highly recommended. Includes free downloadable e-books.