A Biblical Introduction to Singleness
So what exactly does the bible say about singleness? Should everybody yearn to be married? At...
Sensitivity to Singleness in the Church
Has your church ever asked the question, "Are we being sensitive to the single people in our...
Taxes, Safety, Law and the Church
While you may not find it interesting, one of the realities of doing church in the United...
How youth-friendly is your church?
Is your church youth-friendly?
Most church members would probably answer "yes"—a typical...
What makes a healthy church?
This week at Gospel.com, we're asking an important question: what does it mean to be part of the...
The ministries in the Gospel.com Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
When Cranking isn't Enough - #6316
D. L. Moody said when he was asked the secret of his power, "For 50 years I have had access to the Throne of Grace." A person, or a situation, or a need that's beyond your reach. Well, don't keep trying to crank out a man-powered answer. Plug into the awesome generator of God's power.
Prints in Sand and Cement - #6308
Could it be that you didn't mean to, but you've been caught up in the footprints that you've been making in the sand? It's been so important to make that mark at work, at church, with a group of people you want to impress. Well, are the people close to you losing out to the things that you're involved in? Put your prints in cement, where they'll last, not in sand where they can't last.
Why churches and Christian groups should use mobile QR Codes
We are increasingly seeing QR Codes in public – those pixellated black-and-white squares, such as the one in the top right corner of this page. They enable anyone with a smartphone to point it at the code and be taken instantly to a website (or phone number, or other embedded text information).
True Woman: The Church in a Post-Feminist World: An Interview with Mary Kassian
The implications of the postfeminist era for ministry in the local church are enormous . . .
Advance news of Internet Evangelism Day 2011 on 15 May
The 2011 Internet Evangelism Day is set for Sunday 15 May. However, we also plan to extend the focus to the entire month of May, which gives churches and other groups wider freedom to present digital opportunities in ways that fit into their programs.
True Woman: Finding the Right Church for You
It’s fine to take all kinds of issues into consideration as you decide on a church home for you and your family. But there are more important issues to keep in mind as you determine where you should worship. Here are a few of the issues I’d put on my list . . .
True Woman: Repentance Starts With . . . Me!
Praying for our nation really begins by praying for the church. And we can’t separate the “church” from the individuals who comprise her.
IVP ChurchLink
The IVP ChurchLink is where you can find everything your church needs to connect with InterVarsity Press. Updates on special offers just for churches, discount pricing and more are available. Don't forget to stop by regularly for updates and new offers.
So Rich, So Needy - #6201
God has always judged the true righteousness of His people by their love and commitment to three groups of people: the poor, the victims, and the lost. Is that what we're about? Is that what you're about?
Revive Our Hearts: We Need Revival! (with Dr. Henry Blackaby)
Dr. Blackaby responds to Nancy's questions about the need for authentic, biblical revival in the church.