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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - One More Mission - #4052
As I watched John Glenn heading for one more mission at the age of 78, I thought to myself, "We need some spiritual John Glenns - some seasoned men and women who will take on new missions for Jesus Christ until God takes them home!"


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Unbaptized Hand - #4055
This "withholding approach" to Christian commitment has a long history. It goes back at least as far as the incident in our word for today from the Word of God, beginning in Acts 5:1.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Thousand Invisible Mornings - #4056
I've never understood people who get involved in a sport or an activity or in anything and settle for mediocre. If you're going to get into it, aim to be all you can be. Now if that's true in sports, it's really true when it comes to serving the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Power Sharing - #5288
You may be able to share your encouragement with someone who doesn't have much encouragement; your knowledge in an area where they could use some help. The point is that you look around at what you can give, and you keep your eyes open for people who need it. You have some, they have a little, and if you share what you have, you could both have enough.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Bouncing Back when You Blow It - #3801
Maybe it's a pattern you know all too well. Like a dieter, you've made up your mind to change--to do things Jesus' way. You're living right, you're doing well. But one day you mess up and fall back into something the old you would do. And you feel ashamed. Now right here is the point--in dieting or being a disciple--that will determine whether or not this is a brief detour or a huge defeat. What will you do when you've blown it? Now, you can clean up or give up.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Feeling and Touching - #3812
Growth really does come from feeling and touching - and not just for little newborn babies. It's often the difference as to whether God's children grow or not, too. Maybe you've had your "mittens" on spiritually - and you're not growing much as a follower of Christ because you're not "feeling" and "touching" things spiritually. You're getting a lot of spiritual information - but there's not much spiritual transformation.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What's Eating Your Home - #3821
You can hear some of the sounds of deterioration--the angry words that are causing such deep wounds...or that chilly silence...or the negativism. Far more comments on what people are doing wrong than what they're doing right...the exasperation, the frustration over not being listened to. Don't ignore those "sounds in the walls". The longer you do, the harder it's going to be to repair the damage. If there's growing tension or growing distance, or growing hard feelings or frustration, then it's time for radical action. It's time to attack what's eating your home.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - One Hundred and Eighty Degrees - #3822
Now for that lady to end up where she wanted to end up, she had to make a 180-degree turn. So do you - if you're heading in a direction that isn't God's direction for you. If you're doing things you know God doesn't want you to do. Well, God has a 180-degree turn for you - and here's the word for it: "Repent."


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Checking Your Cargo - #3828
Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Matthew 12:34-35. Here's what Jesus says. "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." Jesus suggests sort of a spiritual EKG here, to show what's going on in your heart. Just listen to how you talk, what you talk about. Your words continually betray what your heart is really full of. We unload verbally whatever cargo we have to give.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fractured But Growing - #3830
Tragically, a lot of people do. Their growth stops with the trauma. And there's no denying the damage done when you get hit by a major life-trauma. A divorce, losing your job, losing someone you love, losing your health, a major injury, a depressing setback, a breakup, abuse, dealing with pain from your past. Things like these are major blows, and the hurt is deep and long-lasting. There is very real fracture. The question is: Will you stop growing now?
