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Tired of Searching, Ready to Find - #6040
The Bible reveals that our heart is searching because we're away from the God we were made for. We were created for Him, but we've lived for ourselves, thus creating an un-crossable chasm between us and the God who made us. Un-crossable except for the cross - the cross where Jesus died to pay for our rebellion against God and make a way back to Him


Stepped On But Still Precious - #6016
God's one and only Son thought you were so precious that He poured out His life for every wrong thing you have ever done. Why? Because that's the only way you could ever be forgiven of your sins; the only way you could ever have the love relationship with Him you were made for; the only way you could be with Him in heaven forever.


Orphan No More - #5960
We make a lot of mistakes for love. And no matter how close our family or friends may be, there's still that unexplainable loneliness deep down inside. It's cosmic loneliness. We're lonely for God. Maybe we're even pretty religious but we're still missing the only love relationship that can satisfy the heart of a spiritual orphan.


Milestones and Manure - #5870
If you want to make the greatest possible difference with however much life you have left, spend as much of what you have, what you are, and what you've got in loving and serving Jesus.


Mold - a Christian perspective
Paul asks us who we are to demand answers from the one who created or molded us? We should have some humility when it comes to approaching the one who formed us.


"Created" in the Bible: Colossians 1:15-17
This passage clearly identifies Jesus as God, creator of the world. Jesus isn't "just" the son of God--he is God.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Untouchable Worth - #5585
You've probably had plenty of messages in your life that have made you feel more like the postcard than the masterpiece. Maybe you've been rejected, ignored, hurt, or used. Maybe you've been criticized a lot, put down, and all by people who didn't know who you really are. But because of all those negative messages, you have this lie playing in your brain - "you're not worth much; you can't do much; you're not good enough." Remember it's not your friends who determine what you're worth, or your critics, or your family, or your culture, or your boss. It is your Designer. He gave you your worth the moment you were conceived by Him.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Choosing a Leader - #8031
Well, Americans are in their every four years spectacle of electing a President. And it’s a pretty historic and unpredictable campaign. Former Arkansas Governor and former pastor, Mike Huckabee, who has wanted his party’s nomination, was asked in a debate, “What would Jesus do on this particular issue?” I loved his answer. He said, “Jesus was too smart to run for political office!” That’s the truth.


“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” -2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Listen to chapter

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