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The Survivor Tree - #6620
Our only hope is clinging to the tree where God's judgment fell on His Son. Or, more importantly, to cling to the One who died on that tree, which means abandoning all other hopes: our pride, our religion, our self-reliance. And realizing we are as desperate and as helpless as a man being swept out to sea, and then clinging to the One whose death on that tree for us is literally our only hope - your only hope.

In the Path of the Storm - #6613
God's one question when we enter eternity is going to be this: "What did you do with My Son?" Because of what His Son did for you.

The Most Powerful Magnet In the World - #6600
On the day you stand before God, there's only one thing He's going to ask you. "What did you do with My Son and His death for you on that cross?" You could settle that question today.

Beautiful But Broken - #6596
I think of the mistakes we make and the hurt we experience looking for this love anywhere else. The little kids singing their little church song, they "get" it: "Jesus loves me, this I know." You know that when you finally open your heart to His love. And your lifetime search for love ends in His welcoming arms.

More Powerful Than Politics - #6592
Walls go down, hearts open up when you speak from the unarguable platform of your pain. Showing folks a Savior who makes you a conqueror in your crisis does something that, well, your words could never do.

How to Handle a Heavy Load - #6563
Don't try to borrow tomorrow's trouble. You don't have the strength yet. You go thinking about that and worrying about that, and you'll run ahead of your supply lines. But you'll have everything you need when that day comes. So live as God designed you to live. Cope as He's equipped you to cope - in 24-hour slices of life.

Still There After the Storm - #6468
The cross still stands, proclaiming that God still loves me when it's too dark to see His face. The cross is there, assuring me I am forgiven when the guilt and the regret are trying to drag me into their pit. The cross remains, reminding me that Jesus has beaten death when death seems to be winning. The cross stands tall, declaring "This is not the end. There is a future beyond this darkness, and I'll be there to build that future with you."

Escaping the Flood, Or Not - #6435
It's eternally important that you answer the door and let Jesus save you. The Bible cries out, "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart" (Hebrews 4:7 ).

Recycling Garbage - #6433
The power of Christ is so great that it reaches even to the garbage dumps of our lives and turns trash into treasure. Like the song writer said, "All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife, but He made something beautiful of my life."

Tsunami Heroes - #6401
The tsunami of death and judgment is coming. The warning has been sounded. The lives of the people around you depend on someone leading them to the high ground of Jesus' cross. You are their chance, and you're a candidate to be one of Heaven's heroes.