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Friday and Sunday
One of the more debated events in history is the death and resurrection of Jesus. You can find...

Palm Sunday and the irony of Easter
Easter is a holiday marked by irony and paradox. During Easter week, we celebrate life attained...

Getting to know the voices of Easter
When you read the story of Easter (see yesterday's post to read it if you're not familiar...

Maundy Thursday and the long road to Easter
Thursday. Four days after excited crowds welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem. One day before the horror...

Dressed for the wedding
Today's devotional fits well with yesterday's post about funerals and the Gospel. It's from...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - A Captain Who Can Bring You In Safely - #8225 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
And you know, I wish I could pick my pilot. I’d pick a guy like Capt. Sullenberger. I can’t pick the pilot of my flight, but I can pick the pilot of my life; someone who can bring me in safely no matter what the danger or crisis.

Jesus crucified in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Reading of how Jesus was crucified isn't easy because it's an ugly thing. We read of how his things were gambled away and how he was mistreated as if he was a criminal.

Your will - a Christian perspective
As his death neared, Jesus prayed that his fate might be averted--but even in doing so, he humbly submitted himself to God. He asked that God's will be done, even if it meant horrible suffering for Jesus.

Crucify him - a Christian perspective
Pontius Pilate, unwilling to either free or pronounce judgment on Jesus himself, asked the assembled crowd what they wanted done with Jesus. Horrifyingly, they called for his brutal execution.

Paradise in the Bible: Luke 23:39-43
Even while dying on the cross, Jesus extends grace to one of the other men being crucified with him--in this case, a thief who put his trust in Jesus in the final moments of his life. This passage is one of many from which Christians derive their understanding of heaven.

"Curse" in the Bible: Galatians 3:13
All of us live under the curse of sin, but Jesus has taken that curse upon himself. By dying a shunned and cursed death on the cross, he lifted the curse from our shoulders and place it upon his own.

Simon - a Christian perspective
When a badly-wounded Jesus was unable to carry his cross, a passerby named Simon was forced to do so for him.

Good Friday in the Bible: Matthew 27:32-61
"Good Friday" is what the Christian church has named the day that Jesus died on the cross. This is the account of that fateful day, when Christ died and was buried in the tomb from which he would rise just a few days later.

Crucify in the Bible: Matthew 27:20-26
When Jesus was put on trial, the crowd that gathered to watch the proceedings was asked what they wanted done with him. Their awful demand was "Crucify him."

Jesus' death in the Bible: Matthew 27:11-66
The story of Jesus' trial and execution, beginning with his appearance before the governor Pilate.