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[Culture Week] How do we engage our culture with the Gospel?
We're talking about culture this week, and thinking about one of the most basic and important...

Lost and the Struggle between Good and Evil
After happily avoiding Lost for the better part of five years, I caved last year and started...

Today's devotional: pouring your life into the streets
I like my privacy. My Myers-Briggs test results indicate that I'm some sort of super-introvert. I...

Today's devotional: Are you influencing society, or is society influencing you?
Are you familiar with the concept of "structural sin"? It refers to sin on a national or cultural...

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Engaging with your nation's soul & spiritual questions
When people are seeking spiritual answers, why would we not try to listen to them and start engaging in the terms and language they are using, rather than defaulting to some standardized formulaic gospel presentation?

Left brain versus right brain communication - infographic explains the difference
We hear a lot about 'left-brain' and 'right-brain' these days. Below is a helpful infographic summary. Of course, most of us are a mixture of both sets of characteristics, depending on our personality, gender and the culture we live in. But one side may tend to predominate. A huge significance to these differences: our digital communication culture, and therefore the biggest influence on the way we all think and communicate, is much more 'right-brain' than the print communication it is rapidly replacing. Evangelism and ministry is changing too.

Len Sweet's book VIRAL How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival
This book is probably the best and most insightful explanation of digital and print communication cultures, the tension between them, and the huge implications for Christians, the church and especially the retelling of the good news. We just cannot continue doing the stuff we used to do, because it won't work any more.

Every Sister Needs a Brother - #6539
Women, remember the kind of bait you offer determines the kind of catch you get. Act like you want brothers. Act like you want guys who will be friends, not users; not conquerors. And men, cultivate sisters; a level of sharing and caring that the sexual conquerors will never even get close to. Treat her like family. She's your sister, man! And every sister needs a brother.

8-yr-old-guitar girl: music is a God-given means of communication
Here's some sheer musical talent to honor. And yes, Zoe Thomson is only 8. Her Stratosphere guitar is likely older than her. Music is an integral part every culture, throughout history and across continents. We are hard-wired to communicate through music. The study of music in different cultures is called ethnomusicology.

Life issues raised by The Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher movie
We've seen a crop of good movies already this year – Hugo, Warhorse, The Artist, and The Iron Lady. Culturewatch team Damaris has produced a range of discussion materials about life issues (not political issues) raised by The Iron Lady film

Always Time for a Time Out - #6371
When you exercise the faith to take your time out each week, your judgment improves, your energy goes up, your creativity is greater, your confidence is greater, your personality's better to be around, and you return to your responsibilities a better you.

Teens growing up online are in a different world than the rest of us
I'm not yet 30 years old, but my experience of the world growing up as a teenager is vastly different to that of teenagers today. It's been a shock to consider how different our worlds are. Below are a couple of documentaries by PBS that explore how the internet is changing every aspect of our lives, and the challenges for children who are growing up in this very different world.

Cultural and technical trends in the last 10 years
Best person to ask about the cultural trends of the last 10 years is a culture watcher. Here's Andy Crouch on Ten Most Significant Cultural Trends of the Last Decade. Plus technical changes in the last 10 years.

True Woman: What in the world is a “true woman”?
A couple weeks ago, I left my computer and cubicle behind, and hit the streets asking women some tough questions about what it means to be a true woman. While I’m glad I didn’t have to answer these questions on the spot, I will say that there’s a whole lot of confusion amongst women about who we are, why we exist, and what will make us truly happy.