Classic Sermons on Discipleship from
"Jesus said, Follow Me (Matt. 4:19; 9:9)." He called us to be, "set apart, challenged, and taught...
The Prayerful Disciple
I think we've all had questions about prayer: when should I do it, what's appropriate, what...
Studying God’s Word
We've all had times where we've neglected reading the bible. Frankly, sometimes it's just hard...
Modern Day Captives
Have you ever felt like a slave to sin? Do you know someone who might be? Setting Captives Free...
Discipleship Tools
'Extensive' and 'thorough' are the two words that come to mind when perusing the newest site from...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Bridges to Nowhere
In our age of pluralism, tolerance, and eclectic spirituality, those are pretty loaded words about Jesus. We must be saved by His Name. We have the Protestant bridge to God—with good works that are supposed to take us to God—, the Catholic bridge—with good Catholic things to do—, the Jewish bridge, the Muslim bridge, the Buddhist bridge, the Hindu Bridge, and the bridge of New Age Spirituality. Our human nature wants to believe that all those bridges end up the same place with God.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Storm Preparations
Storms are a fact of everybody's life. If it's calm now, you can be sure that somewhere up ahead there's a storm. ... The question is are you ready for the time when things start spinning out of control around you and inside of you? Since we know we have to make it through life's storms, we need to know we've got what it takes to make it through the crises that have sunk so many other people.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Tougher Than the Tornado
There are some of life's hits that threaten to blow away everything we've depended on as well. A divorce, a disease, a disaster, or a disappointment can do that. A death can sure send everything spinning. We know that most of what matters to us is something we can lose, and if and when we do, there is sometimes not much left but the pieces.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Never the Same
People can think they have it all together, but not understand the whole truth. Some people read parts of the Bible and they miss the main point. ... Then they read the book of John, and they're never the same. This is all because of one amazing passage of Scripture.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - It's All For You
Do you like to be recognized and made to feel important? It’s usually an honor for our name to be mentioned in the newspaper. When our name is in something, we're suddenly a whole lot more interested. ... It's that way with what may be the most important statement in the entire Bible, certainly one of the most quoted.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The One You Can Trust
So many people's objections to Jesus are due to the way Christians have acted. Another objection is people saying that the church is only after money. ... There definitely are inconsistencies in Christianity, but the good thing is that there are not inconsistencies in Jesus. The sinfulness of humans, who might also be Christians, is not a reason to deny the Son of God.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Everything but Jesus
Are you missing something in your life? God will ask some of us as He looks at our lives, "Where's Jesus?" Spiritually, maybe you have everything except Jesus.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Transformed Heart
You know who you want to be and who people need for you to be, but you're not anywhere close to that person. It's difficult to close the gap between the two. ... When you can admit that, it is the first step to a new you. Behind your mask of having it together, is a man or woman addicted to selfishness, or unfaithfulness, or depression, or an out-of-control temper, or sexual appetite, or a bad habit. Maybe you have tried reforming, but it hasn't worked.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fallen Down but Finishing Strong
There are many today who know the disappointment, and maybe even the shame, of a serious fall. Do you give up, or do you fight back? ... Usually the most watched event of the Winter Olympics every four years is the women's figure skating competition. At the 2006 Games in Italy, a lot of America's hopes for a gold medal were riding on Sasha Cohen after she managed a thin, first-place edge after the initial short program. Then came the decisive long skating program. Suddenly, all hopes of any medal seemed to disappear with a major fall early in her program. With a major deficit in her score from her fall, Sasha Cohen could have easily lost heart, but she didn't. She fought back with a strong and impressive showing in the rest of her performance. When the rest of the world's best had all skated, the young woman who had fallen and seemed to have forfeited any hope of being a champion stood on that podium with a coveted silver medal.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Believing in Spring
Hope is hard to come by during the "winter" seasons of your life, like the loss of someone you love. Sometimes someone close to you dies suddenly, and the grief is almost unbearable. You are overwhelmed. ... You are able to talk about the hope factor when your life is anchored to a personal relationship with the one who created you. You can know that death cannot ultimately win. Death is reduced to being a painful interruption. It can be very painful, but only an interruption.