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Ukrainian Elisha Man of Miracles
Ukrainian: Elisha asks for power like Elijah, and God grants it. He strikes the river and the waters part for him. He raises a young boy from the dead. He cures the leprosy of Naaman from Syria. After he died another dead person's body touched his and the dead man came alive.


Ukrainian The Man of Fire
Ukrainian: Elijah tells King Ahab there will be no rain because of the wicked people. Elijah goes to Zarephath where he raises a boy from the dead. Elijah has a contest with the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. God answers by fire. Elijah goes to heaven in a whirlwind and chariot of fire.


Elisha, Man of Miracles
Elisha asks for power like Elijah, and God grants it. He strikes the river and the waters part for him. He raises a young boy from the dead. He cures the leprosy of Naaman from Syria. After he died another dead person's body touched his and the dead man came alive.


The Man of Fire
Elijah tells King Ahab there will be no rain because of the wicked people. Elijah goes to Zarephath where he raises a boy from the dead. Elijah has a contest with the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. God answers by fire. Elijah goes to heaven in a whirlwind and chariot of fire.


The Transfiguration of Jesus
"There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light." Read more from Matthew 17:1-13.
