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There's nothing quite so uplifting as receiving an unexpected compliment or a kind word in the...

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Growing Amazing Gardens - #5983
The eyes of Jesus don't just see what a person is; they see what a person could be, if someone would just water their potential with some encouragement, and praise, and believing in them. Jesus told Simon, "You are Simon, but you will be 'the rock.'" He saw what Simon could be, and in fact, what He became in Jesus' amazing garden.

The Can't Chant - #5974
As you're facing something right now that you "can't do," would you say it until you believe it: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." It's not about what you can do. It's about what Christ can do!

Bad Stuff In Your Tank - #5939
It's getting harder and harder to go on, isn't it, with that stalling and with the setbacks you're experiencing. And you're running out of gas. Today, would you finally turn and face Jesus; finally face how your sin has been hurting your Savior. Come to the foot of Jesus' cross. Abandon that sin at the place where Jesus died for it, and pick up His overcoming power to beat what has beaten you for so long.

Build each other up - a Christian perspective
Christians should always seek to encourage and uplift each other. Our words and actions should "build up" those around us, helping them to get closer to God. It should never tear them down.

Help one another - a Christian perspective
Paul encourages the early church to help and encourage each other. Christians ought to be on the constant lookout for ways that can build each other up in the faith.

Throwing Out Goodies - #3736
You can keep giving out to other people because God is always going to give you back more than you gave out. You shovel out, God shovels in, and God has a much bigger shovel. And what are we giving out ultimately? Grace. Undeserved favor - just like we've received from God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Power of a Father's Smile - #8295 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It was that time of the year when the grass grew so fast, it seemed like our lawn needed to be mowed like every other day. My then five-year-old son was following me, clipping around the rocks, and I smiled at him and kept mowing. He came up to me and he said, “Daddy, could you do that again please?” I said, “Do what?” He said, “Could you please smile at me again. It’s your smile that keeps me going.”

Talking Batteries - #2806
Do people feel important after they've been with you or small? Do they get courage and confidence from being around you - or do they lose it? Do they feel believed in or distrusted? Do you make them feel heavier inside or lighter? This ministry of encouragement is available to every one of us. And it is desperately needed.

Medicine - a Christian perspective
A cheerful heart not only makes you happy yourself, but it has a healing and encouraging effect on those around.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Power of a Parents Words - #8258 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Baseball season was always a special time for me and my boys. We bonded, actually, playing baseball together, and I remember when I was first teaching my oldest son how to hit a ball. It was just a plastic Wiffle bat and ball in our backyard. And I pitched gently, but he was just chopping at it and missing. He had two strikes. I went over to him, coached him a little, took a few steps back to throw the ball, and said, “Hey, I know you’re going to hit it this time, man!” He whacked that ball into the neighbor’s yard. Do you know, years later, in a college class where they asked students about important memories from their childhood, that’s the day he told them about.