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Book review: Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey
Pearcey brings remarkable scholarship and perceptive insights to this vital book. She demonstrates the importance of worldview; how different worldviews have impacted Christians and the proclamation of the Gospel; and how we have often yielded ground to secular worldviews because we have not attempted to understand them.
Book review: Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry and Mary by Lee Strobel
Understanding how non-Christians actually think is essential to effective evangelism. Strobel’s book is a valuable eye-opener.
Book review: I Hate Witnessing - A Handbook for Effective Christian Communication, by Dick Innes
It’s not what it sounds! This is not a manual of ‘what to say’ through gritted teeth when ‘out doing witnessing’. Instead, the book initially shows how to get off the ‘Guilt Trip’ of wrong motivation for evangelism. It goes on to show what things actually communicate Christ effectively to others; how to get past closed minds; and examines the methods Jesus used in building bridges – using personalized and appropriate ways to reach individual people through their felt needs. These essential lessons in evangelism are highly relevant to online witness also.
Book review: Permission Evangelism - When to Talk, When to Walk, by Michael L Simpson
What is ‘permission evangelism’? It doesn’t mean we can only evangelize those who want to be evangelized! Instead, it demonstrates how to connect with non-Christians, and use an approach which aims to lead them into giving us permission to offer progressively more information about the Gospel in an appropriate way.
Book review: Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult, by Nick Pollard
Pollard’s experience of evangelism amongst students is the bedrock of this strategic book. It is divided into four sections:
1. Helping people who don’t seem interested
2. Helping people who want to find out about Jesus
3. Helping people with difficult questions
4. Helping people who want to become Christians