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Today's devotional: following God's plan for your life
Ever wished that somebody would show you, not just tell you, what the purpose of your life is?...

Today's devotional: trusting God in 2010
Today's devotional has an appropriate New Year theme, and asks: do you trust God to be faithful...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Sunrise, Sunset Strategy - #5587
Remember how Jesus said we were to follow him, "Take up your cross daily and follow Me"? He taught us to pray for how much bread - daily bread. It's obvious that the divine strategy for following Him, from the Jews in the wilderness to us believers today, is to take one day at a time. To focus on what God wants to do between this morning's sunrise and tonight's sunset, so to speak.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Paper Plates - #5615
I think most people feel like paper plates. They've been put down, they've been hurt, they've been neglected, they've been compared, they've been ignored, backstabbed, abused, and they feel pretty worthless. And they are throwing themselves away. Maybe you've been doing that. It's a lot of waste to throw yourself away. You could throw yourself away socially by the friends you choose, or academically by not trying or just giving up, you could throw yourself away alcoholically, chemically, romantically with the people you date, sexually, musically - by the music you listen to, or even suicidally. And here's what's so tragic about that. God didn't make any paper plates!

This introduction to the book of Exodus reports on the title, author, outline, and date of writing. Exodus lays a foundational theology in which God reveals his name, his attributes, his redemption, his law and how he is to be worshiped. It also reports the appointment and work of Moses as the mediator of the Sinaitic covenant, describes the beginnings of the priesthood in Israel, defines the role of the prophet and relates how the ancient covenant relationship between God and his people came under a new administration (the covenant given at Mount Sinai).

Did Jesus Say He Created in Six Literal Days? - Answers in Genesis
A very important question we must ask is, “What was Jesus’ view of the days of creation? Did He say that He created in six literal days?” When confronted with such a question, most Christians would automatically go to the New Testament to read the recorded words of Jesus.