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The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Colossians Background - Into Thy Word Ministries
The main theme was to explain the Supremacy, Sufficiency, and Centrality of Christ as LORD! Christ, as Creator and God, is superior over any idea, philosophy, religion, or mysticism.

ChineseT Jesus Heals the Blind
ChineseT: As Jesus travels on the road a blind man named Bartimaeus calls for help. Others tell him to be quiet but he cries out "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me." Jesus heals him with another miracle and says "Your faith has saved you."

Hebrew Jesus Heals the Blind
Hebrew: As Jesus travels on the road a blind man named Bartimaeus calls for help. Others tell him to be quiet but he cries out "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me." Jesus heals him with another miracle and says "Your faith has saved you."

Devotional : The Hero of the Story
Our perspective will help determine our reaction to trials and difficulties in our life. If we see our life as a story where we are the hero, we will constantly ask, "Why God?" This devotional explores why we need to see God as the hero and author of our life so that we can trust Him to rescue us.

Lessons from President-Elect Obama
Are there any lessons to be learned from the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States? Read this short article for a good perspective on the subject. PDF download of the article is also available here.

Devotionals : A Foundation For Faith
A pilot flying through clouds has to trust her instruments. What can a Christian do when they have to navigate through storms? This devotional explores the reasons it's so important to have a good foundation in the facts and evidence of Christianity, since these will not fail us when our emotions take us off course.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Christmas Tree's Dirty Little Secret - #8154
Here’s the secret: the Christmas tree is decorated but it’s dead. Not long after Christmas Day, the lights and decorations will come off and the tree will be trashed. You know, that’s given me something to think about related to the spiritual condition of a whole lot of church folks.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Help With Your Baggage
Maybe you have some crippling issues from your past. Maybe you recently received some bad news or are overloaded with stress. It could be that you’re carrying baggage from a divorce—your own or maybe your parents. Maybe there is some sort of abuse from a bad relationship. Some people are trying to carry the weight of a serious medical condition, a financial crisis, or maybe even a family issue. Today you might have some very heavy baggage.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Feel Down at the Top
It is said that if you are at the top of Cadillac Mountain in Maine at daybreak, you will be one of the first Americans to see the sunrise that day. That would be something amazing to see, but you wouldn't want to make the valiant effort to get to the top of the mountain only to find the view there a big disappointment. Maybe you have experienced that feeling. You arrived somewhere you really wanted to go or you received something you really wanted, but it turned out to be disappointing.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Sand Castle Syndrome
Sometimes life seems to be about building sand castles, and we put a lot into things that ultimately don't last. Jobs can turn out to be like a sand castle. ... You put a lot into a job, but when the company doesn't need you anymore, your job is washed away. You might feel that way about relationships, about marriage, or about your parents' marriage. The biggest things in our lives are so vulnerable.