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Daily Devotional: Test of Faithfulness
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Directed by the Dispatcher - #4428
Now, you don't have to be in law enforcement to have a life directed by the dispatcher. In fact, that's how you're supposed to live every day if you belong to Jesus Christ; listening to the inner voice from headquarters and doing immediately what the Heavenly Dispatcher tells you to do.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - It Really Is "How You Play The Game" - #4406
Well, at least on God's team. That's why Jesus' finish line commendation for His players will be, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21), not "Well done, good and successful servant." What God cares about - what God rewards - is an all-out effort. The results are in His hands. The effort is in yours.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Standing Against The Tide - #4307
Some great places have been really damaged by the slow process of erosion. So have some great people. That's why you've got to make the choices that will stop the erosion in your life.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Mission Accomplished - #4317
Some day you'll be heading home. Your time on earth will be over at a time set by your Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ. Will He be flying that banner for you when you reach home? Will He say, "Mission accomplished?" In many ways, that is the ultimate measure of whether your life was a success or not.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When You Don't Like What's On Your Plate - #4326
I know you have days like that -- when you don't particularly like what's on your plate. Or you don't like how much there is of it. As a parent, you may have to handle some things that really aren't much fun these days. As a son or daughter, or a student, you've been stuck with some jobs that you really don't want to do. At work, it's getting pretty messy, pretty heavy, pretty boring. At church or in your ministry, you're not particularly liking the way it's going in what you're trying to do for the Lord. But it's just part of life -- days, and sometimes lots of days, when we don't like what's on our plate.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Never More Than You Can Carry - #4338
We all have some loads to carry -- that's the nature of life. And sometimes it's so heavy that it takes everything we've got to keep from dropping it or caving in beneath the weight. This might be one of those seasons of heavy burdens for you. I've got some good news for you -- news that's contained in our word for today from the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Downside of Freedom - #4342
The great gift of freedom -- tragically abused. It's a scenario God knows all too well. Because some of the people He has set free are using that freedom in ways that hurt Him, that hurt them, and hurt other people.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When The Goal Is Beyond Your Reach - #4348
Sometimes you have to do things you've never done to reach what you've never had before. If you're a baby ... or if you're a child of God. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had. And that's all. And much of what you need in your life, and much of what you're restless for, and much of what God wants to give you is beyond your reach. As long as you stay in your comfort zone, it always will be.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Threshold of the Treasure - #4358
Tragically, so many of God's children have made those same kinds of decisions. You may be on the edge of one right now. God is ready to include you in some wonderful blessing He wants to bring into your life, but whether or not you get what He wants to give you depends on a decision you make. You may be on the threshold of treasure He wants to give you - it may be an emotional treasure, a financial blessing, the answer to a long-prayed prayer, a special relationship, a new beginning, maybe a greater impact in your ministry, or a breakthrough in some impossible situation. But, like that man who missed his share of Ronald McDonald's fortune, it may all come down to your making the right decision.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Where Trust is Born - #4359
Wounded, then afraid to trust, and missing a lot of love. That's not just the life story of a dog we know - it's the life story of millions of people. Maybe it's your story. You've been betrayed by people you should have been able to trust - abused, abandoned, deeply hurt. And it's hard for you to trust anyone. You've just been hurt too often.

“The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” -Romans 13:9-10 Listen to chapter

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