The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Church website design help: tool to evaluate or improve church website design to reach outsiders
Your church website has enormous potential as part of your outreach strategy to reach into your community. It can be like an enticing ‘shop window’ and virtual doorway to draw people into faith and fellowship. However, many churches do not understand how to design a website that will do this effectively. This self-assessment questionnaire helps you evaluate your site, and creates a detailed free evaluation report with advice to help you consider new ideas or aspects of the site that could perhaps be modified. It will also help you in planning a new website.
Free Christian articles for printing in newspapers, magazines and periodicals, blogs or webpages
We offer a range of articles and MP3s about web evangelism. In addition, you are also free to reproduce in print other pages from within this site in any print magazine.
A wired world - free article for reprinting: share the good news online
“An incredible new technology enables the transmission of text on a worldwide basis. It rapidly reduces production and distribution costs and for the first time allows large numbers of people to access text and pictures in their own homes.”
What is this referring to? You’ve guessed it. The invention of the printing press by Gutenberg.
Write a church press release - get free publicity for church news or Christian groups
Wouldn’t you love to have free advertising for your next event that doesn’t look like advertising? Well, that’s what a well-written press release can provide. Of course, the key here is “well-written”. Many people send out press releases only to have them discarded by the local media. This isn’t because the editor didn’t like the organization or didn’t want to print the release. Rather it was because in order to fix the release enough for publication would just take too much time.
Why Christian drama communicates. Is it biblical and effective? Plus free drama skits.
Sometimes Christians have been wary of using drama. “Can it be right to communicate in this way?” they ask. Others may happily use drama for children, but consider it has no relevance for communicating to adults.
We suggest that drama is an under-used yet essential means of communicating Gospel truths, both to Christians and non-Christians. Of course there are dangers. There are dangers with preaching, dangers with street witnessing, dangers with web evangelism, dangers with radio evangelism. Let’s look at why drama is biblical and effective.
Internet Evangelism books and research studies, many free downloads
The books in this section cover different aspects of internet evangelism, and are mainly free downloads.
Best books on web design, usability, web writing, inc 2 free e-books
The books in this section cover different aspects of writing and creating usable websites, and are highly recommended.
Top books for church leaders, christian ministers and pastors including free e-books
The books in this section cover different aspects of church ministry, and are highly recommended. Includes free downloadable e-books.
Books and free courses to help Christians understand culture and worldview
The books in this section explain culture and worldview, and how to engage with our postmodern world.
Christian communication books - reach unchurched outsiders with the gospel
The books in this section cover different aspects of effective Christian communication and how to reach the unchurched, and are highly recommended.