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Books including free downloads on using social media for non-profits, churches and evangelism
The books in this section explain the nature and use of social media especially Facebook, and are mainly free downloads.

Internet Evangelism books and research studies, some free downloads
The books in this section cover different aspects of internet evangelism, and are mainly free downloads.

Impact Eternity: self-study and group-study mission challenge course
A self-study and group-study course from a partnership of major mission groups. See the challenge of the needs of the world, and your place in it. Other groups offer similar material: there is a distance learning missions course Kingdom Expansion 101, and for face-to-face courses on world mission, see the Kairos and Perspectives courses. Check our training page for other online courses on evangelism, ministry and communication.

Free e-book: How to Think Like an Unchurched Person, by Pastor Bob Franquiz
What is it like to visit a church for the first time as an outsider? Bob Franquiz is a pastor who had never visited a synagogue before. He applies his experience to helping first-time visitors, both on a church website and when they arrive in person, in this useful 6-page PDF e-book.

Free downloa: Seeker Sensitive Church Web Sites. How to reach outsiders using church sites
This significant 10-page booklet explains the principles of using church websites to reach outsiders. Johnson’s strategy is that a church website ‘intrigue the lost’ and start a relationship-building process to draw people into the fellowship where they will begin to understand the full implications of the gospel.

Book review: Damaris study guides
Damaris are a leading Christian ‘culture-watch’ group who help Christians and non-Christians understand developments in contemporary culture. Their resources also include material for teachers and youth-workers, books and evangelistic CDs.

Facing the Challenge: free study courses for Christians on engaging with the world around us
These acclaimed group-study courses are available as free downloads, or by post. Although intended for group study and discussion, you can also use them for personal study. The course ‘Facing the Challenge of our Times’ is thoroughly biblical in outlook and demonstrates how we are mandated to relate to the culture around us. Other courses cover TV, other faiths, and relating to a hostile world.

Book review: Lausanne Occasional Papers - Media and Technology. Free downloads
The 2004 Lausanne Conference in Thailand brought together many of the top mission and communication visionaries from around the world. The papers from the different working groups are now published here.

Free Christian book download and review: Internet Evangelism in the 21st Century
The entire program for a recent web evangelism conference is available in free streamed video (or on DVD, for a very modest sum) and book form. This is a remarkable resource with sessions from some of the most experienced workers in this field.

Book review: The Pyschology of Cyberspace, by John Suler, available as free e-book
Psychiatrist John Suler offers some valuable insights into the way people interact and behave differently in cyberspace, than they do in face-to-face interaction. These are very strategic in relation to online evangelism and discipleship.