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AiG -- Answers in Genesis


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The Five-Minute Winner - #6325
There's a much larger, more lasting success than you could possibly construct. Ultimately, your success is not the result of your degree, or your plan, or your intelligence, or your hard work. It's the result of the blessing of Almighty God - those few minutes in the morning when you say, "Oh Lord, give me success today."

Step Back and See it Better - #6299
You see, pain tends to make us very self-focused and self-absorbed. Our eyes start to cross, and the situation starts to blur, and we start thinking in circles. Serving restores your perspective. Now, when you feel the least like doing it, is probably when you most need to do it, to get your perspective back.

Catching Beats Dodging - #6272
So many human tragedies could have been averted if only a man hadn't put off dealing with problems and not let the sun go down on it. If we're going to be the leaders God has commanded us to be, guys, we've got to turn and face the issues. Discuss our deep feelings and solve problems while they're small enough to solve.

Genesis LifeGuide Bible Study
Do you struggle to know and follow God's call for you in the world? Genesis tells us that even the giants of faith--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph--struggled to obey their Creator. But Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, also reveals the amazing truth that the God who called a world and a nation into being also calls each of us to serve him.

That Life-Changing Limp - #6194
If God has given you a painful reminder of the futility of self-reliance, the price of sin, and the glory of His work in your life, then thank Him for it. Let the "limp" that God gave you when you wrestled with Him make you strong for the rest of your life!

Hope Within Your Reach - #6156
Church folks refer to Jesus as the Savior. That means rescuer. He's come down the shaft personally to bring you to God. But he had to give His life for you to ever have life. But He didn't stay dead. He walked out of His grave and conquered death forever. And now He's come for you. When that metal cage came down the shaft, every miner had a choice. Get on and live or stay where you are and die. That's exactly the choice that faces every one of us when it comes to God's Rescuer, Jesus.

The Good News About a Cold Season - #6124
If it's cold right now, if it's dark right now, don't let discouragement win. Don't let bitterness or resentment or resignation ruin the greater plan God is working on. The question to ask in times like these isn't, "Why, God?" You may not have that answer till you get to heaven. The better question is, "How can You use this, God?" He really does " all things together for the good of those who love God" (Romans 8:28 ).

The Futility of Running Away - #6122
My prayer is that this might be the day when you run to God and let the battle finally be over. Your personal love relationship with God begins when you say, "Jesus, I'm Yours." You have nothing to fear from coming to Jesus. He loved you enough to die for you. He will never do you wrong.

The Wrong Person's in Front - #6048
The word "sin" and the word "pride" have that same middle letter, don't they - "I." Pride cost Lucifer his place in heaven. Pride is always expensive. God won't tolerate it. He hates pride and self-promotion. There's only one Name we should be drawing attention to. It is the name of Jesus. There's only one Star in God's constellation, and His name is Jesus. And there's only one kingdom to be building with our time and our money, and it's the kingdom of Jesus.

Fruit With Seeds - #6032
Isn't it time you start bearing some fruit, like people who will be in heaven because you helped them know how? And God's plan is that we reproduce our own kind. That moms introduce other moms to Jesus, that students introduce other students to Jesus, golfers point golfers to Christ, businesspeople reach other businesspeople, wounded people lead other wounded people to the Savior.