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Love of Christ in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Paul asks us what can separate us from the love of Christ? We shouldn't let anything earthly stand in the way of our relationship with Christ.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Bumpy Road to a Beautiful Place - #4258
You know, lots of life's beautiful places are accessible this very same way - by means of a bumpy road. Maybe you're traveling one of those hard, even painful, bumpy roads right now. I imagine some people never made it to the majesty of the falls because the bumpy road made them decide to turn back - a temptation that may have occurred to you on your road.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Hammer in God's Hands - #3923
Suffering, pain, hardship, heartache - those are some of life's hammers. You may feel like one of those hammers has been beating on you lately. What you may not realize is who's holding that hammer - and what He's trying to do with it.
