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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Joy In The Jungle - #4116
You know, we all have things in our environment that are unpleasant - people that irritate or hurt us, circumstances that get us down, little injustices, stubborn problems. But when we look at the grace that God gave Martin Burnham - and we know we have access to that same grace - I have to ask, "What's our excuse for a bad attitude?"

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Crisis of a Closing Heart - #4854
The One who gave you that original piece of His heart wants to give it to you again if you'll recognize the crisis of your closing heart and tell your Master that you want His life-changing heart surgery -- to open up what the deposits of the years have closed, and to give you a new heart, throbbing with His love and His passion and His tears for the lost. Without that, there ultimately is no life. Go to the Master Heart Surgeon today and tell Him you want a heart like His.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Maestro at His Best - #4170
When did the master most powerfully demonstrate his skill? When he had the least to work with - one string. When does the Lord Jesus - our Master - most powerfully demonstrate how much He can do? When He has the least to work with. When our strings are broken and we have almost nothing left - that's when He plays His masterpieces.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Yellow Ribbons and Undying Hope - #4171
Now, it may be that someone you love is a prisoner of war - the spiritual war that is raging for every soul, the battle between Christ, the life-giver, and Satan, the life-taker. It could be that someone you care about is, in a spiritual sense, being held as a prisoner of war by the enemy. Someone who knows Christ but is away from him, or maybe someone who doesn't know Christ and seems like they'll never come around.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Ugly Beneath The Beautiful - #4179
Most of us have some ugly that we would just as soon not have anyone see. There's ugly stuff in our past, in our heart, in the closets of our life. The secrets that we don't want anyone to know about - the dark side we try to conceal. Those weaknesses, those failures, and the mistakes that betray the wonderful view that we portray to the world.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Flying High, Falling Flat - #4969
Every time God does something good in your life, the devil is there with some cheap shot he wants to use to rob you of the joy of what God has done. Don't fall for it. It's like you've just won the Super Bowl, you're walking off the field, and your defeated opponent says, "I'll make you pay for this." And he gives you a bloody nose. Yeah, he hurt you a little, but he can't change the outcome. You still won, and nothing he can do can change the victory.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Only Way to Heal Your Heart - #4981
The greatest tragedy I can imagine is that you would miss what Jesus spent so much to give you, by depending on your religion or your goodness to get your sins forgiven. If there was any other way for you to have your sin forgiven, believe me, Jesus would not have paid the price He paid. You could miss it all by ignoring Him or just continually putting Him off, or by knowing a lot about Him but not knowing Him.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Difference Between Life and Death - #5006
You are alive today by His grace and His intervention in ways you don't even know. He's wanted you to have a chance to grab the hand of His Son, His rescuer from heaven. Because one day you will "walk through the valley of the shadow of death," and your only hope is those four words, "You are with me." If Jesus isn't with you when you enter eternity, you are without hope. If He is with you, you're in heaven forever.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Getting Right Back On Your Bike - #5012
God's mercies are new every new morning! His compassion for you has not failed! No failure has to last longer than a day! God is the God of forgiveness, of restoring, of new beginnings - daily new beginnings.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Holy Hunger - #5625
If you've become relatively passive about your pursuit of a higher level of personal holiness, then you're not one of those Jesus described as "hungering and thirsting after righteousness," because hunger makes you stop what you're doing and go after something that will satisfy your appetite. Hunger is active, not passive.