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The greatest fears of life are often connected to the unknown, and for many people the greatest unknown is what happens one second after death. Can we believe the promises of the Bible that there is life after death?

Chinese Heaven Gods Beautiful Home
Chinese: Jesus has prepared a place in Heaven for all who believe in Him. Angels worship God there. It is made of gold. There is a beautiful river with the tree of life. God is the light. There are no liars or wicked people, no more tears or death. Everyone in the Lamb's Book of Life is there.

French Heaven Gods Beautiful Home
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Hebrews 4:1-11 - Into Thy Word Ministries
A Rest for God’s People. God is great and we are to proclaim His most spectacular wonder and partake of His blessings.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Highest Wall in the World - #5685
God is the relationship we've been missing and looking for our whole lives. We're lonely because we don't have His love. We're empty because only He can fill the hole in our heart. We're wondering what the meaning of our life is, but we can't get to the only One who knows, because He put us here. The wall is there. If we die with that wall still there between us and God, it will be there forever. The Bible has a word for that - hell. Even the heaven we want to go to is on the other side of that wall.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Homeless Feeling - #8126
You don’t have to be without a home or a memory to need those same answers, “Who am I and who do I belong to?” Those soul questions are bottom-line for living a life that matters, and they’ve driven people to look in relationships and recognition and even religion to find answers, only to leave us still haunted by that homeless feeling.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Money Quakes - #8125
I remember a friend telling me about a man during the Depression after the banks were closed and shuttered. He was pounding on the gate, screaming out loud, “Give me my money!” Pretty bad place to have your security, I guess, in your money. That’s the question for our time: Is your security in something that you cannot lose?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Hope But a Rescue - #8094
The greater rescue actually came another time when I realized there was no way I could save myself no matter how I tried. Now the issue wasn’t the lake; it was my eternity. I realized what the Bible says about the wrong things I’ve done.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Ground Zero Regrets - #8095
When I get to heaven, when I see who of the people I cared about is there and who isn’t, will I say, “I wish I’d asked him to go with me. I wish I’d asked her to go with me.”

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Home They Can't Foreclose - #8098
In times like these it’s really good to clarify the ultimate meaning of the word home. Ultimately it’s not the house you live in. That can be taken away. Home is something no one can foreclose on.