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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Rescue Insurance - #5655
If you're down in enemy territory, there is no rescue beyond the power of your Savior, whether the rescue is emotional, or medical, or financial, reputational, relational, or even from your own mistakes. In one way or another, your Savior will pull you out. There's no need to run, no need to panic, no need to surrender, no need to be depressed. You have a Savior who is committed to rescuing those He loves.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Knowing You're Safe - #5651
Whatever they put on our tombstone some day, I hope those words will accurately describe where you'll be the moment after you die - safe in Jesus' arms. The Bible lets us know that this hope is more than just a nice epitaph.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Your Only Hope of Making it Out - #3919
I wasn't at the World Trade Center that awful day. But I understand a little of how my friend feels about those rescuers - because I know someone who gave His life so I didn't have to die. I owe my life to Him.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Campaigning Together - #8083
Politicians realize that they have to come together to win. You got to believe that your cause is more important than your differences. Now Christians need to remember that.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Footprints the Tide Can't Touch - #5643
ou and I can have a vital part in which destination it will be for the people we know. If we lead them to righteousness, we'll shine like the stars forever and ever. People you influence for Jesus Christ will be the lasting legacy of your life. Everlasting! Footprints that are in cement, not in sand!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Party in Your Honor - #5641
So on the day that you finally put your trust in Jesus to be your own Savior, the angels begin the party in your honor. Why? Because they know how much it cost to rescue you. They saw the Son of God return to heaven with something He didn't have when He left for earth - nail prints in His hands and feet and a spear wound in His side. They also know what's at stake in your decision about Jesus. They know this is life-or-death; this is heaven or hell.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Meaningless Games - #4441
It really is true. There is no such thing as a meaningless anything when you do it for someone who's dying. Which in terms of God and eternity, many of the people all around us are doing. The Bible clearly says that anyone who "does not have the Son of God does not have life" (1 John 5:12) and that they are "without God and without hope in this world" (Ephesians 2:12). That includes anyone in your personal world who has not had their sins forgiven by faith in the Christ who died for them. Co-workers. Neighbors. Fellow students. Teammates. Family members.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Homeless No More - #4419
It's possible to be living in a mansion this Christmas, and yet to be homeless - in your heart. In our hearts, there is this homing instinct that keeps us looking for a love that will fill the hole in our heart, a relationship that will give us one safe and secure place in a lonely and disappointing world. But our lives are littered with the temporary "boxes" that we hoped would give our heart a home but never did.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Biggest Spiritual Mistake In The World - #4334
Tragically, most of the religious people on this planet are making the mistake of trying to earn from God what He says we can only have as a gift. In fact, I believe that's why so many people observe their religion's ceremonies, attend their religion's meetings, try to live by their religion's rules -- they're trying to earn eternal life in heaven by doing good things and being good people. Now, it's a good thing to live a good life, but it's a deadly thing to depend on your good life to get you into heaven.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Last Call - #4343
Not bad for a four-year-old -- well, OK, so I sound like a grandfather now. But that little guy actually has this death thing figured out better than a lot of us grownup people do. We don't decide when it's over. God does. And the thing you want to have happen on the day you take your last breath is for Jesus to call you home to heaven. Unfortunately, not everyone's going home. And the alternative is too eternally awful to contemplate.