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Frozen Assets - #6121
There's nothing more exciting than releasing what you have to help finish the work Jesus came to do. There's nothing more unsettling than to imagine Jesus returning, looking at all you have, and asking, "What are you doing sitting on all of that?"


When Your Shopping Is Over - #5725
Because we've taken over the life that was supposed to be for Him, we're separated from our anchor relationship. But Jesus came to Bethlehem ultimately to die on Skull Hill. He died on that cross to carry all the guilt and all the hell of all your sin so you could finally come home to the love that you've been looking for your whole life.


"Home" in the Bible: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Where is a Christian's true home? This passage exhorts us not to be dismayed if our earthly homes are destroyed, because God has prepared a heavenly, eternal home for everyone who follows Christ.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Homeless Feeling - #8126
You don’t have to be without a home or a memory to need those same answers, “Who am I and who do I belong to?” Those soul questions are bottom-line for living a life that matters, and they’ve driven people to look in relationships and recognition and even religion to find answers, only to leave us still haunted by that homeless feeling.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Reason for Your Bumpy Landings - #5671
You may have been experiencing a few bumpy landings lately yourself. It might be medical, or marital, economic, romantic, maybe it's parental issues or relationship issues. You're wondering why things have been so rocky. There could be many reasons, but we know that ultimately God is in charge of things. So, why has He sent or allowed these bumpy landings? Could it be He's trying to get your attention?


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Storming Home - #5664
Your situation is out-of-control, but it is in God's control. In fact, God uses these stormy times in powerful ways to show you how much you need Him, how much you can rely on Him, to draw you closer to anchor people in your life, to help you see sin that you would otherwise would never face, to make changes you'd otherwise never consider. And then He brings you safely to your destination.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Home They Can't Foreclose - #8098
In times like these it’s really good to clarify the ultimate meaning of the word home. Ultimately it’s not the house you live in. That can be taken away. Home is something no one can foreclose on.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What You Bring in the Door - #5644
In many ways you set a tone when you walk in the door and you'll probably have to live with that tone for hours to come. After a stressful day it's just human nature to walk in with a pretty self-focused mind set, carrying the garbage of the day, which we then proceed to dump all over our loved ones! But, wouldn't you like to put your name in our word for today? "________ returned home to bless his or her family."


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - One Stone at a Time - #5068
I think we've got something to learn from an Indian father two generations ago. He knew that he could not build a home quickly. He just added a little bit to it each day. Well, that's the way we should all build our home, our family, adding one more stone today, and then again tomorrow, and the day after that. And one day, you will be able to stand back and admire what God and you built together, one stone, one day at a time.


“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” -Matthew 22:37-39 Listen to chapter

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