Finding Hope in the Midst of a Job Search
The anxiety of losing a job can be crippling. One feels as if the life they have cultivated over...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Hope for Uncertain Times
Learn how to survive—and thrive—in an economic crisis.
Revive Our Hearts: The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Psalm 23 is often quoted at funerals. But as Nancy teaches in this series, it's really a psalm about living, not dying. Through a verse by verse study, Nancy points us to Christ as the great Shepherd who provides for our every need and gives us great hope for tomorrow.
Revive Our Hearts: Death Is Not Dying with Rachel Barkey
With just 6-18 weeks to live, Rachel Barkey encourages women with the four principles that have shaped her into the woman she is today--one whose foundation is unshakable even in the face of death. Pray that many women will press in closer to Jesus Christ as they hear how He has been Rachel’s source of strength, courage, and hope in her five-year battle with cancer.
Revive Our Hearts: Hope for Uncertain Times: Surviving and Thriving in an Economic Crisis
With all the headlines about financial crisis, recession, and bail-outs, where should our priorities be? Join Nancy for biblical perspective on uncertain times.
The Most Tragic Choice - #6143
God asks this sobering question in Hebrews 2:3, our word for today from the Word of God, "How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?" That's how most people miss heaven. They don't out-and-out reject what Jesus did. They just ignore His rescue; either not caring or mistakenly thinking that they'll make it out somehow. They won't. Only Jesus can save you.
Kevin's story - Canadian finds hope and purpose through PowertoChange site
TV adverts for the outreach site attracted their attention, but Kevin and Cathy were at first skeptical. They went online to check it out. There they found a clear message of truth with the promise of help to change their ways.
When the Goal is Beyond Your Reach - #6134
Jesus was beckoning Peter to do something he had never done so he could experience something he had never experienced, just like I was doing with my little granddaughter. And that day Peter decided to take an even riskier step. He left the only life he knew, as a fisherman, and chose to follow Jesus wherever He took him, which was to give to his life a spiritual significance he could have never imagined. But he had to move beyond what was safe, and so do you.
Leaving No One Behind - #6097
The best one to reach a lost farmer is another farmer...the best one to reach a lost mom is another mom...for a lost teacher, a teacher...a lost soccer player, a soccer player. How about a lost businessman? It will take a businessman, and so on. But so many people die without ever knowing what Jesus could have done for them. They die without a chance at heaven - because the Christian close to them never told what they knew. That is a death sentence by silence.
Breaking Through Thick Ice - #6062
As you pray, God may very well show you things that He wants you to do, things He wants you to change. They may be part of what has created the ice. Tell Him, "Lord, here's my heart. Take it wherever You want it to go." And then open yourself up to the warmth of His love, and grace, and goodness, and His amazing ability to do whatever it takes to get our attention.
The Difference Between List and Death - #6041
Today, the nail-pierced hand of heaven's Rescuer is reaching for you. The nail prints are there because He had to die so you could live; taking the penalty for your sin on that awful cross. And this day, you have to make your choice about Him. How do you grab His hand? You say, "Jesus, I've done it my way long enough. You died for my sin. I am Yours." In that moment, you're saved, you're rescued, and you're safe.