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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Who You Are and What You Do - #5412
Years ago, people even got their name from what they did: baker, fisher, tanner, weaver. But God never meant for you to anchor your identity to the work you do, the position you hold, the milestones you accomplish.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Regrets at the Top of the Mountain - #8048
Don’t sell your soul to succeed. You’ll be at the top of the mountain and you will absolutely hate it there.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Seeing the Need Behind the Deed - #5468
Step back from their bothersome actions and ask God to help you see what He sees when He looks at them, including the needs that are driving their deeds. Instead of just reacting to their deed, do something about their need.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Where the Buck Stops - #5528
Taking responsibility: That is a basic trait of a man or woman of character. And it is getting harder and harder to find. Sadly, there may not be any real progress or any real healing in your situation until someone is man or woman enough to take responsibility, and that someone needs to be you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Everything On a Promise - #5539
Whatever the tempting choice, it seems to offer something very appealing: money, love, recognition, personal satisfaction, advancement - but it will not honor God. You know it's "out of bounds" for someone who's been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ, someone who belongs to Him, so it all comes down to the promise. "If you honor God, He will honor you" in ways you could never dream.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Gold Medal Finish - #5573
Somewhere back there you started running some race for your Lord. Your uniform doesn't carry the name of your country, or your church, or your organization, or even your own name - it carries the name of Jesus Christ. You're Team Jesus. He's the One who must have felt like letting up as He approached the horror of His last lap, but He did not decelerate.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Followers With Footnotes - #5608
Peter's not alone. His mindset here uncovers a troubling tendency in our commitment to Christ. Unconditional commitment to Christ tends to become conditional. As our lives get more complex, as we accumulate more and accomplish more, we start to add little footnotes and conditions to what began as an "anything goes" commitment to Christ.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hall of Fame/Hall of Shame - #8005
This “anything to win” thing affects business and how we handle our relationships—anything to win. And when you make unholy compromises to have a life that matters, the cost is just too high. You don’t win, you lose. You lose respect for the man or woman in the mirror, and it’s ugly to lose the trust of other people and the respect of other people.

The Character of Courage - Welcome to
Courage realizes that God has given us the strength to face any situation, trial, or peril. It is the ability to react, knowing that God is in control...

The Character of Contentment -
Contentment is the attitude of accepting whatever God provides, and being happy with it. It does not seek for gratification what is not needed, and does not seek...

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” -Matthew 22:37-39 Listen to chapter

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