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Today's Devotional: Eyes of the Kingdom
Do you find it easy or hard to see God's kingdom in your everyday life? In this devotional...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Homeland Security for Your Home - #4815
There is no home that is more secure than a home where Jesus Christ lives, and He wants to live in your home because you have asked Him to live in you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Love That Cannot Let You Go - #4820
If we don't get rescued, we'll end up separated from God and His love forever. That's the penalty for spiritual hijacking - taking over a life that God was supposed to direct. So whether or not you realize the spiritual danger you're in, your only hope is a rescuer. And there is one - only one. He doesn't want to leave you lost.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Miss What You Were Made For - #4825
It's possible for God to come your way and for you to totally miss what day it is - the day that God comes to touch your life and become more personal and more powerful to you than you ever dreamed.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Looking Backwards - #4113
Unfortunately, a lot of people live their lives like the people on that roller coaster - always looking backwards, looking at where they've already been instead of where they're going. And that pretty much guarantees that your life is going to be a roller coaster ride!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hurting but Passed By - #4835
Sin is very serious business. It walls us off from God, from His love, and it brings us under the eternal judgment of the God we were made to live for. But God really loves you - enough to sacrifice the most precious thing He had to heal your broken relationship with Him. He allowed the body of His only Son to be broken on the cross for you as He died your death penalty for your sin.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - One Hand Short of Heaven - #4840
You can't hold Jesus with one hand and some junk He died for in the other. Believing in Jesus is grabbing Him with both hands, turning from, abandoning whatever else has been your hope. Could it be you've tried to turn to Jesus without turning from your sin, your other hope? It's got to be a two-hand faith, grabbing Jesus with all your heart and both your hands.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Panic Mistakes - #4150
Panic really can shut you down, close you off, and keep you from the very thing you need in order to make it. In fact, when you panic, you can make some mega-mistakes.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Last-Minute Lift - #4844
You know those people had to be looking at the water in front of them and the approaching army behind them and saying, "No way." Kind of like Jerry's situation, it looked like there was no way to do anything but crash. But then God says, "Way." And our Lord, who is the great Way Maker, removes an obstacle that looks absolutely impossible to remove, or He lifts us over it as in my friend's case.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hitting Pause - #4156
Some of us have a father - actually, a Heavenly Father - who's saying to us, "It's time to hit 'pause.'" But we're moving very fast. We're focused on the demands and projects in front of us - and we're saying, "I don't have a 'pause.'" Not a good idea.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Playing Your Part in the Christmas Story - #4161
As we count down to Christmas, I'd like to invite you into the Christmas Story. To play the part my wife was playing. You won't have to crawl around the floor saying "baaaa" - but you will be asked to be what Jesus says we are - sheep.