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Today's Devotional: Eyes of the Kingdom
Do you find it easy or hard to see God's kingdom in your everyday life? In this devotional...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Totaled at Christmas - #4936
If you're damaged; if you're down this season, in a way Christmas is actually very much for you. Behind the amazing events at that manger in Bethlehem is the mission for which Jesus came.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When "Later" Never Comes - #4951
Saying "later" to God's Son is eternally dangerous, because God says the day of salvation is now. It's almost yours now. But later - later may be forever too late.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - An Orphan No More - #4956
Your Heavenly Father has come to where you are today to bring you into His family - to bring you home to His love. Like a little orphan many years ago, reach up and say, "Take me." You will be an orphan no more.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Wind That Changes Everything - #4964
Some of us are such driven, type-A, "make-it-happen" people we miss the miracle of being carried by a God who makes it happen. We get all stressed, brittle, frustrated, exhausted, depleted because we don't allow the God-takeover that is where the power really is.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hurt and Hiding - #4965
Jesus has been waiting for you to turn your life over to Him so He can start the healing process that only He can bring. But first you have to tell Him that you're putting your total trust in Him to be your Savior. Now, I know that word "trust" is a hard one after what you've been through, but you can't just go on hurting and hiding and being alone.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Evidence You Are Loved - #4966
You may not mean to reject Him, but if a gift is offered to you and you just sit there, you have rejected both the gift and the giver. Jesus is holding out to you eternal life in heaven; the forgiving of every sin of your life. The greatest mistake a person can make is to fail to respond to the life-giving love of Jesus Christ.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Only Way to Heal Your Heart - #4981
The greatest tragedy I can imagine is that you would miss what Jesus spent so much to give you, by depending on your religion or your goodness to get your sins forgiven. If there was any other way for you to have your sin forgiven, believe me, Jesus would not have paid the price He paid. You could miss it all by ignoring Him or just continually putting Him off, or by knowing a lot about Him but not knowing Him.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Only a Wall - #4991
When the door opened that day in the prison we were in, we were so anxious to leave behind that darkness and that loneliness and to finally step out to where we could breathe free and enjoy the beauty just beyond the wall. That's exactly what God wants you to experience today. He wants the wall between you and Him to come down, and it can - upon your invitation.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Roots That Hold - #5019
A life that's deeply anchored to a growing personal relationship with this Lord is holding onto the one thing that no storm can uproot.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Miracles With Damaged Goods - #5020
Jesus was broken so you could be fixed. He paid for your sin on the cross so you wouldn't have to. That's what was happening on that horrific cross when He died. And in dying for your sin and then coming out of His grave, He broke the power of the thing that ultimately causes all the scars, all the regrets, all the hurts - that spiritual cancer called sin. And with hands that bear nail prints from His sacrifice for you, He reaches out to you and says, "I will make all things new."