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Today's Devotional: Eyes of the Kingdom
Do you find it easy or hard to see God's kingdom in your everyday life? In this devotional...

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Your Permanent in a World of Temporary - #6205
the Man who loved you enough to die for you has come looking for you to offer you a life, and an eternity, filled with His evergreen love. But it can't be a one-way love affair. You have to respond to His love by placing your life in His hands and turning your back on the sin that cost Him His life. Your love response might be just three words, "Jesus, I'm Yours."

The Highest Bid You've Ever Had - #6193
the price for you was very high. Jesus was beaten until His back was ripped apart. He carried a cross on that bloody back, a crown of thorns was jammed on his head, spikes were driven into His hands and feet, and worst of all, His Father turned His back on Him because He was carrying your sin so God would never have to turn His back on you.

Expensive Peace - #6186
Hope is in Colossians 1:20, our word for today from the Word of God. God says His Son came to reconcile our broken relationship with Him "by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross." He climbed to the top of a hill called Skull Hill and died as the sacrifice for your sin.

The Peace of Releasing the Wheel - #6178
you have an opportunity to have every sin of your life erased from God's book, and trade hell for heaven. Jesus comes into your life when you tell Him, as a recent hit song says, "Jesus, take the wheel." You put your trust in Him because He gave His life for you. And He doesn't ride - He drives. It's time to give Him the wheel.

When the Eagle Can't Fly - #6171
God hasn't allowed you to reach the end of you so you'll give up, but so you'll give up control! It's time to finally take your fingers off that steering wheel that you've held onto so tightly and relinquish all control to Almighty God. "I give up, Lord. I can't fix it. I can't figure it out. I can't contribute anything to a solution. I'm wiped out and I'm totally releasing all of me and all of my issues to You."

Your Time to Shine - #6167
When God asked, "Who will go for us?" Isaiah answered, "Here am I, send me" (Isaiah 6:8). Maybe you've been holding back saying, "Here am I, send him." Well, God is summoning you to step up for this one - like our grandson on that soccer field, making a greater difference than he'd ever made before, because he knew it was up to him this time. And this assignment from God is up to you. Even if there are defiant giants standing in the way. It's your time to shine! And you will. Because the battle is the Lord's.

Being Where Everything is Decided - #6160
The powerless P's won't get it done: pushing, persuading, personalities, planning, promoting. Life's battles are won by prayer, not on the battlefield itself, but in the Throne Room of the God who governs the galaxies - who is, because of what Jesus did, your spiritual Daddy! And you have access, day or night, to the place where it's decided and the person who decides it. Go there often, go there in awe, go there clean, and go there expecting something so big, only God could do it!

Revive Our Hearts: Call for the Wailing Women
A contemporary message based on two Old Testament prophets, Isaiah and Jeremiah. Nancy exhorts Christian women to wake up, cry out for mercy, boldly live, and speak the truth to our lost culture. Christian Li...

Your Stabilizer When You're Crashing - #6155
Jesus has been the Flight Controller for my wife and me through our most painful times. When we lost a baby, Jesus was the difference. When the finances were caving in, Jesus was the difference. When the accident was nearly fatal, when the loss of a loved one was very sudden and very painful, when they said my wife might not make it, when the doctor's news was awful; always, Jesus was the difference. He wants to be that for you.

Realizing You Were Made For More - #6139
Even if you seem to have everything going your way, your heart may still be saying, "I'm made for more than this." And your heart's right. It's just that the "something more" has always been elusive. It may be within your reach today, if you reach the right direction. Who could have more love, more meaning, more peace to give than the God who gave us our life in the first place?