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Foundation in the Bible: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
In this passage, Jesus is described as the foundation of our faith--the unshakable basis of every aspect of our faith. Christians are called to build upon that foundation through evangelism and discipleship--but nobody will ever replace the foundation that Jesus himself laid down.

"Son of Man" in the Bible: Matthew 16:13-20
The New Testament suggests that there were many theories and ideas about who Jesus really was. In this passage, Jesus asks the question point-blank to Peter, who confesses that Jesus is the Son of Man and the Son of God--the prophesied Messiah.

"Healed" in the BIble: Isaiah 53:5
Although Isaiah lived long before Jesus was born, this passage is a perfect description of the task Jesus would perform through his crucifixion: Jesus would take the punishment for our sins, and as a result we are restored.

Bread in the Bible: John 6:51-59
Just as the image of water is often used to describe the Holy Spirit and the offer of salvation, Jesus uses the image of bread to suggest the spiritual nourishment we receive when we follow him. Just as bread is needed just to sustain life, so a life separated from Jesus is bound to wither away from spiritual starvation.

"Jesus Wept" in the Bible: John:11.35
The shortest verse in the Bible, these two words speak eloquently about the humanity of Jesus Christ.

Humility in the Bible: Philippians 2:1-11
Christians are called to imitate Jesus Christ--and one of Jesus' most defining characteristics was his humility. He never failed to put the needs of others before his own needs, even going so far as to lay down his life for others. If Jesus didn't hesitate to serve others at his own expense, why should Christians today do any differently?

Saved in the Bible: Romans 10:9-10
How can we be saved from our sins? The answer is stated simply in this passage: we must believe in Jesus Christ. There is no other way to find salvation apart from Jesus.

Jesus in the Bible: Matthew 1:1
The first verse of Matthew starts the genealogy of Jesus. It's a lineage stretching back through the Old Testament and solidifies his position as the messiah God's people were waiting for all these years.

Water in the Bible: John 7:37-39
The image of refreshing water is used throughout the Bible to describe the spiritual cleansing and renewal that Jesus offers to those who open their hearts to the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. This passage is Jesus' famous invitation, extended to any who are thirsty, to find spiritual renewal through him.

Blood in the Bible: Hebrews 9:11-28
Blood and sacrifice are important themes in the Bible, and in this passage we see how Jesus' own death and resurrection fit into the scheme of sacrifice and forgiveness. It explains how Jesus' ministry parallels the Old Testament system of priests, sacrifices, and atonement.