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Hurricane Heroes - #6599
How much longer can we, as His Church, just keep waiting for the dying people to come to us? They're not. We have to take the life-saving Gospel of Jesus outside the walls of the life-saving station; to the street, to the office, to the plant, to the campus, the neighborhood, our service club, that nursing home, take it to the jail, take it to the gym. How can we be content any longer to sit inside our stained glass cocoon while just outside so many are dying in the storm?
Beautiful But Broken - #6596
I think of the mistakes we make and the hurt we experience looking for this love anywhere else. The little kids singing their little church song, they "get" it: "Jesus loves me, this I know." You know that when you finally open your heart to His love. And your lifetime search for love ends in His welcoming arms.
More Powerful Than Politics - #6592
Walls go down, hearts open up when you speak from the unarguable platform of your pain. Showing folks a Savior who makes you a conqueror in your crisis does something that, well, your words could never do.
The Hands Tell it All - #6591
Jesus wants to be with you every remaining day of your life, and He wants you to be with Him forever. Could you reach out to Him today? And when you've taken your last breath, you'll meet Him at last.
The Dark Crossroads - #6588
The song is so right, "Jesus loves me." And the one Whitney sang as a girl, "Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right." Especially if that talk is to tell Him, "Jesus, I need Your love; that love You showed when You poured out Your life for my sin on that cross. So Jesus, I'm Yours...all Yours."
Easter Eggs - #6584
Our little, earthbound lives don't have to be small anymore when we open up to the power of the One who blew the doors off His grave, who died on a cross to pay for every sin we've ever done. Our questions and our fears about what happens after our last heartbeat are answered at that empty tomb.
Easter - Up Close and Personal - #6583
I'm so glad the arms of Jesus are still open wide this Easter, to send those who know Him to "go and tell" those who don't, and to welcome one who's been searching for a lifetime to "come and see" His love and His power for themselves. Yeah, Jesus walked out of His grave that first Easter, and He's ready to walk into your life this Easter.
It's Past Halftime! - #6581
When football players hear that warning, they throw caution to the wind, they make every second count, they do whatever it takes to get points on the board. It seems to me that Team Jesus - all of us who claim to follow Him - should be doing no less. We should be moving beyond maintenance mode to taking new ground. We should be giving like there may not be a lot more tomorrows. Forget turf, forget territory! Let's wage a united battle for the lost souls in our town!
Five Minutes Til Midnight - #6576
Listen, the clock on each of our lives is ticking and we can't see the clock. Only God can. When it strikes our personal midnight, destination will be set by decision; the one you've made about Jesus. I know where I'm going when it's midnight. I'm going Home. I hope you are too.
Feeling Invisible - #6556
You're not unnoticed, you're not invisible. Jesus never stops thinking of you. Especially when He looks at the nail prints in His hand.