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Wearing the Colors, Win or Lose - #6373
Step up to the freedom, the adventure of finally saying, "I belong to Jesus Christ no matter what it costs." And if someone should ask you, "But what if it means you lose?" Answer proudly, "Either way."
Those Hard-Hitting Holy Men - #6372
Listen to Jesus as He says to you, "Follow me." You'll find in His strength an intensity you were created to have in everything you do. And then, like your Master, you'll be one of those hard-hitting holy men.
Singing in the Rubble - #6369
Our kids used to go to sleep singing a little chorus that says, "Safe am I, safe am I, in the hollow of His hands." You know living or dying, working or out of work, healthy or deathly sick, loved or all alone, if you belong to Jesus, you really are safe.
The Way Home - #6364
Jesus literally took our hell so we could have His heaven. Then, three days after He died, Jesus walked out of His grave and blew away death! Only the Man who paid for your sins can forgive your sins.
Fireproof Faithfulness - #6360
Jesus says, "I want to put in your life...In fact, I want to make you a faithful fountain and we'll be able to handle any fire, any storm, any hurt, any disappointment. Oh, you'll still be able to perform even with the fire closing in around you because of two words." He says, "I will put the source in him...that's inside of you." That's opposed to just being something around you.
The Witness Protection Program - #6361
The more you're with lost people and the more you're in lost places, the more tightly you need to hold on to Jesus. Stay within the rules. Never flirt with sin so you can continue to be His faithful witness. Flirting with sin is a trap. God's Witness Protection Program says, "Go witness, but always stay safely inside of God's rules."
Young Love, Young Letdown - #6357
for too many, Valentine's Day and anniversaries are just reminders of how disappointing human love has been. Even a great love fails to fill that gaping hole in our heart. It's just too big for any human to fill. The hole in our heart has Jesus' name on it. In the Bible's words we "were created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). And only He has the un-loseable love that will anchor us and complete us.
The Unquenchable Thirst for Freedom - #6352
The day I told Jesus, "I'm Yours," that was the day that this sin-slave went free. Because there's no feeling like the day you know you're finally free. For me, for millions, that was the day that we welcomed the Liberator, who paid the price so we would never have to.
Answers in the Graveyard - #6345
The biggest question of all - where you'll spend eternity - can be answered this very day at the feet of Jesus, who is alive; who's waiting to love you. Your search of a lifetime is almost over.
Oscars and Empty Houses - #6341
Think about these words, "Thirsty again." See, that's the problem with every "well" we go to for satisfaction in life - we inevitably end up "thirsty again." For this woman, every relationship - every guy - had been a well that left her empty inside. But then Jesus said, "Every one who drinks of the water I give him will have in him a well springing up to everlasting life" (John 4:13 ). Wow!