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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Breaking Through Thick Ice - #4445
It's not easy to melt the ice that has frozen over a sidewalk. It's even tougher to melt the ice that has frozen over someone's heart. That hard, frozen heart may be yours right now - or it may be the frigid condition of the heart of someone you know. Any hard or frozen heart is something that can cause a lot of injury - and can be holding inside a pile of hurt.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Looking Forward to the Report - #4533
I guess some people are going to be confident when they see Jesus. They're looking forward to it. Why? Well, you have been living all along for the things that matter forever, so you'll be stepping into everything that you invested when you see Jesus. You've been making your relationship with Jesus the number one priority of your life, of your energy, so seeing Him will be just the glorious continuation and fulfillment of what you've been doing here. Those who are really living for Jesus are the ones who are really looking for Jesus.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What the Shepherds gave the Baby - #4420
What the shepherds gave Jesus must have meant far more to Him than any treasure the wise men brought. It's a gift that is within your power to give - but one that all too few of His followers ever offer Him.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Charlie Brown Christmas Miracle - #4422
It's amazing how a broken tree can become special with some tender, loving care. Or, more importantly, a broken person. With all the joy of the Christmas season, it can also be a time that reopens a lot of old wounds - a time that intensifies your loneliness and highlights the broken parts of your life.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Your Best Weapon is Your Teeth - #4427
Our word for today from the Word of God comes from {bible}Nehemiah 2:1{bible}. Now, Nehemiah works for the king (he's the king's cup bearer), and he's pretty down because of news he's gotten about conditions back home. The Bible says, "I took the wine and gave it to the king. I had not been sad in his presence before. So the king asked me, 'Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart.'"
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Painful Road to Greater Results - #4302
I need to understand this pruning thing. It's one of God's most important tools in growing me - and you, for that matter. In fact, some of the difficulty and loss that you're experiencing right now may actually be your Heavenly Father cutting you back to help you grow. And the results are going to be far greater than they ever could have been if He left what He has been taking away.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Fog Cannot Win - #4316
The fog never really stands a chance - it's no match for the inevitable victory of the sun - in a majestic mountain landscape, or in the dark moments of your life and mine. And it could be that you're in one of those seasons right now. It's been a time of loss, of grief, of doubt and confusion, of a prodigal loved one, of no answers. Maybe you've been walking through a fog where evil seems to be winning; where injustice seems to be prevailing. The fog has rolled into your life and obscured things you were once so sure of. It's covered the joy you once had with a sense of sadness and fear and even thoughts of giving up.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The House We Didn't Finish - #4325
That's not the only house a parent intended to build and never got done. In fact, many of us Moms and Dads knew how we wanted our family to be -- how we still want it to be -- but somehow the home, the family we intended to build never got finished, did it? Even as our children were leaving for college, Karen and I talked about how quickly the years had melted away and how we were feeling there was so much unfinished business in our kids' lives.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Bumpy Road to a Beautiful Destination - #4361
Actually, you may be navigating a very bumpy road in your life right now, and you're not enjoying this process much at all. And as you're having to really slow down and to absorb the shocks, it's tempting to turn back, isn't it? But God wants to remind you today of something it is easy to forget when the road is rough: there's something beautiful -- something worth it -- at the end of this difficult journey.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Star Wars - And Our Wars - #4364
Spiritual power you can harness to help you win battles that you can't win with your own resources - that's actually a pretty interesting idea. Of course, our battles aren't about storm troopers or villains with light sabers. We're trying to make a marriage work, to be the parent our child needs us to be, to beat the personal monsters of anger, depression, addiction, selfishness, loneliness.